Ch.2|The questions started

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Months have passed by and I was finally old enough to go to kindergarten. I was so excited by this.
The evening before the first day,I got
very anxious about it. I wanted to ask my dad but he doesn't let me in his office while he's working. Now he's working from home, because he wouldn't want to leave me with a nanny and he didn't know about Eva. Mom died when I was born,and the only one I could ask was Eva.
I quickly ran to my room only to find her packing my fresh washed clothes while humming a melody.

"Hey,Eva.. I want to ask you a question..but I'm a little nervous to tell you." I was holding my sweating hands and waiting for a response.

She kneeled down,we were both eye level and she told me.

"Hey! Don't ever feel nervous or afraid to ask me anything! Okay buddy?" Giving me a warm smile was all I could ask for.

Her voice quickly calmed my anxiety and I finally asked her.

"What was kindergarten like when you were little,my age exactly?" I was burning with curiosity, I want to know.

She thought for a second,then responded with a sad voice.

"I'm very sorry Mako,but I don't quite remember my days in kindergarten.."
She looked down,not facing me.

"How so?" I asked.

"It's been a long long time since I was in kindergarten, and when you will be older,you too wouldn't remember much from it." What a shame..I want to remember my days in kindergarten.

"Then I got another question!" My voice said with excitement.

"How old are you?"

She then put a finger on my nose and said with a embarrassed face.

"Hey! It's not polite to ask a girl her age. Didn't I told you this?"

"Yes but I want to know,we are friends,aren't we? And friends should know everything about each other."
We are friends, right? We say to each other all our secrets.

"Listen Mako, if I tell you now, you wouldn't understand, I will tell you when you're older,okay?" I can't wait 'till I will get the answer to my question.


"I promise I will tell you. You know,Eva doesn't break promises." Eva will never break promises,she will never do this.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise. Look its nearly bed time. You should start to get ready for sleep,because tomorrow you will burn lots of energy."

"I wish that you would come with me.." As I was getting ready for bed,changing into my pajamas I secretly wished she would be a kid again,going along with me.

"I know,buddy,I would want that too,but I can't. And I'm sorry for that."

"Its okay."

Then bed time came,and she told me another story. She told me the story about the first dog astronaut. I really liked it. My thoughts were running.

"Maybe I can be one too,I would love to see the stars more closely. Maybe I can be the first human to walk on another planet than the Moon. Maybe I can be the first human to walk on Mars". This thoughts kept me awake. Awake enough to see her how she left my room.

She walked out of my room,then went on the balcony. Her wings expanded, she was ready to fly,but she took a last look at my door,then she flew. Like a bird she flew high in the sky. Little dusts left her wings, forming a path in the sky. I was amazed by this. I wanted to fly too. But the tiredness hit me like a rock,and I went back to my bedroom and fell asleep.

"I feel so bad for not telling him the truth. I know I shouldn't lie to him,but it's the best. The questions started, so soon and I didn't want it. " I said to myself while standing on the balcony, ready to go home, to my forever home.

Tomorrow I will know more people,maybe I can make new friends, but I dont want to leave Eva behind. She's the number one friend for me. No one can replaced her,no one can replace my Eva.

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