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Hello and welcome to my story board and brainstorming I'm the creator VernBFF! 

I have been working on the base for a story for a couple months now, I haven't been motivated to work on it recently and I have been busy, so I thought that I would start publishing to Wattpad to help me be motivated since I finally have some time to work on this story! 

This story is based off of multiply anime, but I wanna try to make something more original and not base off of unoriginal already running ideas. If anyone sees very close similarities to other movies and shows please tell me. I want the communities help to make a great book that everyone will enjoy! Plus I have been having writers block, so writing hasn't been easy...I wanna say that I will credit everyone that has helped me with ideas, because without them I wouldn't have gotten this far.

This story is far from complete I have only the base structure down, so there are many plot holes and random things that don't fit in the plot, but I am working my butt off to try to fix those problems, so please be patient and try to deal with some of my bad ideas. 

In this book or whatever you call it is where I am going to post my brainstorms and random ideas that I come up with on the spot. There will be a lot of nonsense, but that's just apart of making a book.

  PLEASE DONT STEAL THIS STORY ! I have been working, so hard on this and I would be so sad if someone steel my ideas. I really wanna make this into a comic book or a webtoon, so DONT TAKE MY IDEAS!


p.s I suck at spelling so sorry about that... AND IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS GO AHEAD AND ASK ME!!!!!!!!!

brainstorming/random ideasWhere stories live. Discover now