Challange (part 4)

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It had been an hour since Karma and Code had buried the skeleton they found. "Why aren't we trying to leave yet." Karma grumbled while sitting on an old couch that had gross stains all over it. Karma was looking a bit worn out despite having done nothing at all and at this point all he wanted to do was get back home. "It's too dangerous to leave right now," Code replied sitting in the chair that Karma broke the arm of, Code was looking out the window while he tapped his old muddy sneakers on the floor. "Then how about we come up with a plan, or at least something to pass the time." Karma said sounding angry and desperate,
"Well lets play a game then to pass the time," Code said as he turned his head away from the window,
"What type of game?" Karma asked,
"I'm not sure, I guess you could ask me questions about myself or where we are and I can ask you some questions too." Code said sounding impatient.
Finally I can find some things out, Karma thinks to himself. "Who are you really?" Karma asks just to see if he can get a different answer,
"As I said my name is Code and I am the same Code you know." Code answers with a straight face.
I can tell he's telling the truth but still it seems like he is hiding something, Karma thinks. "Why did your appearance change then?"
"I cannot tell.." Code says looking guilty,
"Why can you not tell?"
"I cannot tell you that ether.."
"Why do you know so much about this place?"
"I-I cannnot tell.." Code answers with the same thing.
"Ugh! Why are your eyes 2 different colors?" Karma says sounding mad,
"You already know why..." Codes hands tighten and he looks away from Karma,
"So you really are a monster! Who do you work for!" Karma raises his voice,
"I cannot tell!" Code also starts raising his voice. Karma stands up feriously and snatches Code by the collar of his shirt and pulls him infront of his face. "WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT. FROM. ME!" Karma says pissed off and shouts,
"Be quiet!" Code lunges forward pushing Karma onto the gross couch and covers Karmas mouth with his hand, Code makes a shush noise and puts his finger up to his own lips trying to signal Karma to be more quiet. "MHhhmMHHMmmHHh" Karma tries to say something and squirms around but cant get any words out because of Code covering his mouth. "Oh! Sorry," Code pulls his hand back from Karmas mouth, "just make sure to be more quiet,"
"C-can you at l-l-least get the f-fuck off of m-Me!" Karma wheezes, not being able to breath that well. "Sorry!" Code quickly gets off of him and sits next to him instead. Karma breaths heavily out of breath, "T-the springs i-in the couch w-where stabbing me in t-the ASS!" He says still breathing very heavily. Code chuckles a little "opsies.."
"I h-hate you.." Karma says finally able to catch his breath a bit.
"Why dont we continue are game, but no questions that we can't answer," Code says looking over at Karma with a little bit of a smile. "I-I guess we can continue," Karma says embarrassed that he got so mad. "Hmmm.." Karma thinks of what to ask, "What's that?" He points to a large black rectangle tv connected to a bunch of wires that hook up to a speaker and a DVD player. Code looks at what he is pointing at and laughs a bit. "What's so funny!" Karma gets mad,
"It's just that I forgot imbicilas like you dont know what that is!" Code starts to laugh harder,
"Just tell me what it is!" Karma says frustrated,
"Ok ok okkkk," Code says calming down and he stands up and walks over to it, "This is a TV!"
"No thats not!" Karma says thinking that Code is just messing with him. "It's a older model of TV, here look at this. These wires hook up to this and you can put things called CDS into it with movies on them and your able to watch a movie!" Karma looks confused as hell, "I dont get it.. you watch shows on contacts, so there is no need for all this stuff,"
Code laughs, "This was made way before that was invented and in the past we didn't have that technology."
Code shows Karma more and more things and soon it becomes night.
"And these are headphones!" Code says as he looks over to see Karma curled up on the couch wrapped in his black leather jacket and using his scarf that he always wears as a pillow. Code laughs a bit seeing how peaceful Karma looked even though he is in a troublesome situation. "Guess he already fell asleep," Code walks over to Karma and sits on the couch next to him, "It's funny how you can hold such a brave face even though your trapped in an unfamiliar place." Code looks down and puts his hands next to his sides on the couch, "I-I am truly sorry for getting you trapped here with me.." Code clenches his fists mad, "If I just had some more power I could teleport us out of here, why the hell am I so weak!" Code says angerily raising his voice a little bit and clenching his fists so hard that they where turning purple. "Huh?" Code feels something on his hand and looks over to see Karma grabbing his hand, "Welp I guess you heard me.." Code looks down sad, "...." Code waits for Karma to say something, but Karma is still fast asleep. "Wha..?" Code looks very confused, "I guess I should just go to bed. Code stands up and starts walking but dosnt make it that far because Karma wont let go of his hand. "..." Code stands confused out of his mind. "This isn't funny anymore I know your awake." Code says annoyed, "..." Again he gets no response, "Ugh! Let go!" Code tried pulling his arm out of Karmas grasp but is unable to, "Why the hell are you so strong!" Code then tried to pry Karmas fingers off of his hand, but has no luck. After a couple minutes of trying to get out Code surrenders and sits back on the couch. "Looks like you win this time." Code laughed tiredly, "Goodnight Karma we have a long day ahead of his." Code closes his eyes and falls asleep still holding Karmas hand.

Bruh I was getting emotional while writing this!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2021 ⏰

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