The Challange (part 2)

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Code sits there exited but nervous to try this challenge out, the people who start running first to see how far they get are the popular people who think there so much better than everyone else. As Code expected they faint once there 50 ft from the the start. The leader watches a couple people faint and takes off and starts running towards the boundaries. Codes competitiveness takes over himself and he starts sprinting towards the other side. Code runs past many people who have fainted on the ground, he smirks thinking to himself that those people have too much pride, then he speeds up to see if he can find the leader. He runs past more fainted people and sees the leader of the group. The leader named Karma looks worn out. Code was a little shocked to see him worn out because he has never seen him that tired. As he runs up next to there groups leader Karma he sees Karma staring at something. Code looks into the distance to see what he was looking at He squints his eyes and sees it. In the far distance there is a cliff that descends to pure darkness, that darkness was the void. "Woah" Karma says amazed at the darkness. "It's amazing isn't it?" Code says in a relaxed tone. "Huh?" Karma who hasn't noticed that Code was standing there yet looks over and screams like a baby "AHHHHH!!" He yells on fear. Code who is now in disbelief that the leader who he thought was a big tough guy just let out this girlish scream. "Wha.." Code says in shock but then starts to giggle, "I-I never took you for such a scaredy-cat!" Code breaks out laughing.
After calming down from laughing Code looks up to see Karma giving him a death glare. "You better tell no one this happened" Karma says sounding pissed off, "sorry," Code gives him a half assed apology.
Karma sighs and changes the subject, "Anyway, how did you catch up with me so fast?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"You got here pretty fast for how late you started, plus you don't seem tired at all" Karma says looking suspicious of him.
"Ohhh I get it! Your jealous that I caught up to you so fast!" Code smirks
"That's not what I was saying-"
Code cuts him off, "it's ok I understand that your upset that I am so much better than you"
"That's not the poin-"
"As I said I know that I should be the new leader because I am way better than you!"
"GOD WILL YOU JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!!" Karma shouts furiously. "Ops... looks like I hit a nerve," Code mutters not caring if he hears him. "How about this, if you think your so better than me then whoever get the closest to the void wins." Code hesitate and looked nervous, but then accepted the offer. The 2 of them line up and start to count down to 3. "1..." Code started to count "2..."
"GO!" Code shouted and started towards the void, Karma also starts running towards the void too. Karma started breathing heavily because of the pressure of the void causing him to slow down. Code too also started to breath heavy but the way he breathed didn't sound natural. Code who was a ahead by a little bit had to take a gasp of breath because the pressure of the void was too much. Karma at this time put all his remaining energy into his feet and ran as fast as he could even tho the pain of getting close to the mysterious void was hurting him inside.
Code who was still behind Karma saw that he was so far ahead so he got on his awkward wobbly feet and started to run fast too. Karma ran all the way to about a foot in front of the void before his knees buckled in pain and he fell on his hands and knees gasping for air. Code walked up to Karma with a half assed limp and crashed on the ground next to him. "Hehehe.." Code chuckles sounding tired, "looks like I caught up"
"G-guess your b-better than I-I thought" Karma said acknowledging that Code has some strength.
"HEY! YOU GUYS OK!?" A voice yells from a far behind them, the two of them look behind to see the girl that healed the others waving to them to check if there ok. "W-where ok!" Karma yells back with a raspy voice. Suddenly Code and Karma heard a crack. "H-Huh?" Karma looked around confused
"W-what is t-that?" Karma starts to stand up to see what the noise came from. "WAIT DONT M-" Code yells but he's interrupted by the sound of more cracking and then the feel of falling down. By now it was to late, the 2 of them fell in the void.

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