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(3rd person POV)

It had been about 2 weeks since (y/n) had begun caring for the Warners, this meant that they had to go check in with Ralf, Scratchansniff, and Hello Nurse. They slumped out of bed, wrapped up in a blanket and quietly shuffled towards the kitchen, grabbing a frozen waffle out of the freezer. They didn't notice that Yakko was awake.

(Your POV)

"Good morning, what are you doing up so early. It's like 7 o'clock on a Saturday nonetheless!"
I spun around, startled, and dropped my waffle on the floor.
"Damn, I was really looking forward to eating that, don't scare me like that Yakko," I giggled.
"Still doesn't answer my question pal," he bent over, picking up the waffle and tossing it in the trash, before starting the coffeemaker.
"Well, I have to go do a progress check in with Scratchy, whatever that means."
"What for?"
"Something to do with how well you guys are doing with the new rules. It shouldn't be that bad, you guys have been well behaved. I just have to pretend I've been using the rules as strictly as I was told."
Oh no.
"Yakko, you guys haven't been seen outside without a chaperone right? I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but if someone could have seen you I could get in big trouble."
His eyes glossed over as he thought for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows.
"Not that I recall, I'll try and be more careful just in case, though."
"Good," I sighed before grabbing a new waffle out of the freezer and popping it in the toaster.
After about fifteen minutes, the smell of coffee woke the other two Warner kids. They slumped to the kitchen, rubbing their eyes and stretching.
"Well, you guys woke up just in time! I have to go meet with Dr. Scratchy. I made you guys some waffles, and I want you to behave while Yakko watches you."
I turned to Yakko, "And don't think you're the exception."
He winked, and clicked his tongue,"I'll be on my best behavior."
I smiled, slipping a coat on before opening the door. "G'bye! Be back in an hour or so, k?"
"Goodbye (y/n)," the Warner siblings shouted in unison.

(Yakko's POV. Minor /anxiety/ tw for this segment, fidgeting, hyperventilating, and overthinking.)

The kids were back in bed, and in the loneliness, I kept thinking, what if someone had seen us?
What if (y/n) gets fired?
What if they can't see us again, well, I mean it wouldn't be that bad. But where would they go?
And I couldn't live with getting someone fired on my conscience.
I'd hate to admit it, but they make good company.
I began to fidget with my shiny belt buckle, twisting it in my hands, and feeling my belt contort around my waist.
My breathing sped up as I continued worrying, my belt digging further into me and making my skin sore.
I grabbed at my tail, fiddling with the curvy tuft of fur at the end to remove my focus on the belt, and (y/n).
I slowly calmed, and my breathing slowed. I got up and grabbed another cup of 'joe.

(Your POV)

I came to a hault at the clinic, after a short walk from the tower. A quick walking was all I needed to clear my head, I suppose. The site of the quaint, little tan building put me slightly more at ease. I walked through the door, hearing the jingle of a bell attached to the door, notifying the secretary that I was here.
"Hello, do you have an appointment scheduled?"
She looked nervous, I guess that's what kind of treatment the Warners get, huh?
I like my appearance, but sometimes I wish I didn't look like that just so people wouldn't be so wary of me.
"Yes, I'm (y/n) (l/n). I have an appointment with Dr. Scratchansniff at 8. Figured I'd get here early so I could get my paperwork done. That's okay right?"I realized how long I had blabbered on for.
"It's quite all right dear," she went through a file cabinet, before pulling out a little stack of paper,"here you go, I'll call you when he's open for your appointment."
"Thank you!"
I walked to a stale waiting room chair, and began filling out my paperwork.
Y/n L/n
Toon, or human?
I circled toon, before pausing at the next question.
If you selected toon, please select species:

The woman looked up, "Yes?"
"I don't fit any of these species, what should I put?"
"You're similar to the Warner siblings, correct?"
"Yes,"I answered, confused.
"Just write Warner by the line up and circle it."

I walked back to my seat, wrote my answer, and moved to the last question.


After I completed the paperwork I handed it to the secretary, and she quickly glanced over my paper before placing it in a file.
"Just in time, your appointment with Dr. Scratchansniff is ready. Just head to that room over there."
I nodded while looking at the double doors, and thanked her before heading in.

(Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry for the cliffhanger! Posting the next chapter soon<3)

895 Words

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