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Everything went wrong.
Oh so, very, very wrong.
The moment the four of you stepped into the desolate hallway, there was a hustling of footsteps as two security guards rushed towards the vault, at that moment you all split. You knew Yakko could handle himself and Wakko fine, but a small part of you couldn't help but be worried. That wasn't the problem right now. Your job was to get you and Dot to the parking lot below.
The two of you stood at the entrance to the fire escape, a long, winding, rusty staircase lay ahead of you and Dot.
"I'm not typically scared of heights, but this seems pretty- ehh," Dot whispered, peering over the edge of the staircase.
"Yeah, me either," you muttered, and yet, even just the thought of being up so high on something so unstable made it feel like the ground was shaking beneath your feet.
"Well, guess we should get going," you gulped, taking the first step onto the staircase.
You felt shaky already, the chalky corroded metal rubbing on your hands as you gripped the railing. Four floors was a lot taller than you had remembered.
"We could find another way down if you need?" Dot offered, noticing your shakiness.
"Oh no, no it's fine," you quaked, though Dot still seemed unsure.
"Okay..." She said, descending the flights of stairs slowly. The chilly air whipped against your face as you walked down. You kept your eyes locked on the back of Dot's head, trying to ignore the decrepit state the stairs were in, and the large drop below.
"Cartoons don't get hurt from falls right?"
"Only stunt falls sadly," Dot laughed awkwardly, her paws padding softly on the creaky stairs.
"One floor down!" A familiar voice laughed from the parking lot.
"You rang?" He grinned, shouting up from the base of the staircase. You stared down at him, immediately feeling queasy again.
You let out a weak laugh, trying to hold your footing as you continued down the stairs.
"Hey lovebird, mind helping them down the stairs or something? They're not doing too well with the stairs," Dot teased, pointing a thumb towards you.
"Aww, someone's scared of heights? Don't worry, I'll help," Yakko cooed, climbing up the rusted ladder on the side of the stairs, a seemingly more dangerous feat than climbing the stairs. Once Dot knew you were in Yakko's reach, she rushed down the stairs to stay with Wakko. He was still somewhat quiet, no surprise of course.
"How did you get to the parking lot so quickly, anyhow?" You stammered as Yakko grabbed your hand, and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, guiding you down the stairs.
" Dunno, guess I'm just better than you,"Yakko teased.
" Oh hush," you giggle, loosening up and feeling less and less frightful the further down you got.
The two of you talked for what seemed like hours, although it was probably only 5 minutes. Unbeknownst to you, Dot stared at both of you with a knowing smirk the whole time.

Two floors down.
Three floors...
Fourth floor done...

You let out a sigh of relief as your paws reached the concrete. You felt as though you could kiss the ground, though you wouldn't really of course.

"Now what?"

Hellooo Babysitter..?(Yakko x Reader (Platonic))(requests open!)Where stories live. Discover now