Dial Pad Blues

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(Yakko's POV)

It had been a few days, maybe a week since (y/n) had gone to their check-in with Scratchy and Co.
I honestly hadn't really stopped thinking about what happened, but I feel better than I did before.
I was chilling in the kitchen at home alone, the kids went to the mall with (y/n). I opted to stay home, I'm not one to shop personally.
The phone began ringing, and I looked at it for a moment and let it ring.
I finally answered just as it was about to stop.
"Heya, Warner's residence. Yakko Warner speaking."
He heard silence for a moment, before the dial tone beeped. They had hung up.
I sat back down, and the phone rang a few minutes later. I groaned, getting up from my stool.
A familiar German accent interrupted me.
"Hallo, is (y/n) home?"
"Well hiya Scratchy, how ya been?"
"Vell I've been vell I suppose- Yakko! Don't distract me! Is (y/n) there or not?"
"Nah, but I'll take a message."
I grabbed a post it and ballpoint pen.
"Well, what is it?"
"I need you to tell (y/n) that I would like her to come to a meeting to discuss her current job."
I paused.
"You're not firing her, right?"
"It's not your business."
"Right, right sorry," I sneered.
"Vell good day-"
"You too," I put the phone on the receiver, and dropped the post-it. Un-bothered to pick it up, I went and sat in my bed.
After shuffling some of the plastic balls out of the way unsuccessfully, I let out a yell of rage and just flopped down onto them.
After a moment of thinking about, well to put it simply, everything. I began to cry.
It wasn't a weeping like someone my age, but rather long and loud wails like that of a child.
I breathed deeply, yet quickly, hiccuping occasionally.
I began unconsciously pulling tufts of fur from my tail, wincing every time, but never stopping. After what felt like hours of crying, I fell asleep from exhaustion.

(Your POV)

After a whole day of shopping with Dot and Wakko, I returned to the tower. I had bought Yakko a button up polo that I thought might pair well with his slacks, and I was very excited to give it to him. To my surprise, however, he wasn't at the door waiting for us like usual.
I began to search the house while the kids went and played somewhere. When I got to the kitchen I noticed an odd post-it note on the ground near the landline, with something messily scribbled in what could only be recognized as Yakko's handwriting.
(Y/n); job meet with Scratch

I dashed down the hall to the bedrooms as I processed what had happened.
Scratchansniff must've called the house for me, Yakko picked up, and it was something to do with me getting fired or something of the sort.
He must be a wreck.
I poked my head in the doorway, and looked to see Yakko, curled up in a ball in his bed. He had a pillow wrapped between his legs. His eyes looked puffy and tacky from tears, and the fur on his tail was patchy in some places.
I neared the edge of his ballpit, and sat down on it for a moment, before rubbing his back lightly until he slowly blinked awake.
"Hey (y/n)," he said in a rough voice, which I guess was partially from him just waking up and from him crying.
He tried to sit up but I made him lay down, placing his pillow beneath head and tenderly covering him in a fluffy blanket.
"Ah ah ah, don't get up. You look worn out, I'll be right back."
I got up to go get a glass of cold water, and some vanilla wafers. Vanilla wafers and we're always my favorite thing to eat to calm myself down.
Before I headed back down the hallway, I remembered Yakko's gift from the mall.
I grabbed the box, stacking the vanilla wafers on top of it and holding the glass of water in my other hand.
As I re-entered the room, I noticed Yakko with his head against his knees, he was crying again. These were very soft, and quiet cries, the type of cries you hear from someone who has cried too much but still has more to let out.
I sat next to him, and slid the water in the space between his arms and his knees. He reluctantly lifted his head, before mustering what I could only guess was a smile. Before the glass of water was even out of my hand, he started drinking it, clearly dehydrated from how much he had cried.
I looked at him sadly,"How long were you crying?"
"Maybe an hour or two. Why?"
"You sound terrible, and you're clearly dehydrated."
"I'll take what I can get!" He tried to laugh through a few choked hiccups, before taking a vanilla cookie from the yellow bag.
"Before I start to pry, I got you something at the mall."
"What'd you get me?"
"A button up, I figured if we all go somewhere nice you could wear it with your slacks. If not I get it, gotta keep that rakish charm about you eh?"
He chuckled quietly before taking the box.
A black and white striped polo revealed itself as he opened the box.
"Thank you," he smiled, warming my heart.
"I'm glad you like it-" he crashed into me, and gave me a weak hug. I squeezed him in return, probably popping his back a bit. He groaned.
"Nah it's okay, I've been trying to get that knot out of my back for weeks," he laughed, before pulling away and grabbing the bag of cookies.
"Do you wanna tell me why you were crying, or do you wanna calm down for a while first?"
He leaned back into the side of the ballpit,
"Can we just enjoy each other's company for a while?"
"Sure Yakko."
And there we sat, joking and laughing and talking until nightfall.

1035 words

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