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(Your POV)

As I creaked the door to the psychiatrists' office open, I heard several voices suddenly hush each other. After a moment of silence, I finally pushed the door all the way open.
"Hey guys, here for the check in. I'm sure you already knew that though."
I chuckled nervously, still scared of the fact that someone could have seen the Warners outside of the tower without a chaperone.
"Hallo (y/n)," Scratchy hands me a cup of iced tea. I look at it confused for a moment, before taking a seat in the nearest empty chair.
"What's with the beverage," I inquire,"are we having a party?"
I laugh at my antics while they all stare awkwardly.
"Ahem, sorry."
"No no, it's quite alright. I just thought he might be nice. Anyways, let's get down to business shall we?"
The others and I nod an agreement, as Dr. Scratchansniff pulls out some documents and a pen.

(Yakko's POV)

I lay in my ballpit after drinking a cold glass of water, glad that I had stopped panicking.
Okay Yakko, now relax.
I guess I'm just not in the mood to sleep, eat, or play with my sibs. Just worn out.
I grazed my fingers across the marks left in my waist from twisting my belt. In what felt like a sacrilegious choice, I had changed into some loose shorts so I couldn't fiddle with my belt anymore. I thank whatever omnipotent power I can think of for the fact that I have fur, so I can hide my bruises from my siblings. If Dot were to see what those marks look like, she would freak.
After I lay down for what seems like hours, even though it's roughly 5 minutes, the intrusive thoughts keep coming back.
I wish my brain could come up with some new things to worry about, I keep freaking out over the exact same things.
What if she gets fired?
Where will she live?
Where will she go?
Will she be abandoned like us, a lost cause to society?
Shivers begin to travel down my spine, and I break out in a cold sweat. I quickly slow my breathing, as I hear a familiar footstep near the edge of my bed.
"Hey Dot, how ya doin'?"
"Don't 'Hey Dot' me mister, I heard your breathing."
she wiped some sweat off my forehead and flicked it off to the side.
"And I can see and feel your sweat, eugh!"
"I can explain-"
"Good, I made some tea for us. Do you want sugar or milk?"
I was shocked by her quick and polite change in demeanor, that's my sister sib for you I suppose.
"Neither, you know I like my caffeine."
"I sure do," she handed me a mug before shifting through the plastic balls, and moving them to create a spot for her to sit across from me.
"So what's the deal?"
"So you know how (y/n) loosened the rules they were given for us right?"
"Well, if anyone saw us outside with a chaperone, they could potentially get fired."
I nearly exploded.
"What do you mean,'and?' Where would they go if they get fired?? Would they get locked away like we were?? What if-"
"Shush for a second,"
I looked at her in bewilderment, but just as I was about to retort, she spoke.
"For starters, if they got fired we would have more than enough space to accommodate them. Secondly, there have been laws put in place against locking toons up. It has been ruled to be cruel and inhumane by the court."
"And as for your last concern, she could still be our caretaker. She just wouldn't be a hired one, and she could abide by her own rules. Even better yet, you could explain to her how you care for us, and she could use those guidelines!"
I sigh, knowing she's right.
"We'll just have to wait and see," I sip quietly on my tea.

(Your POV)

"You saw them outside without me? You sure?"
"Yes, zat is vat ze reports said."
I looked at him in shock and fear.
"So what are you going to do?? Erase me? Fire me? Pawn me off to Disney??"
He laughed.
"No, no, no, nozing like zat."
"What then?"
"We're just going to putz better rules on zem!"
"I don't understand why, they've been responding perfectly well to the rules we currently have! I mean sure, they did leave the tower without a chaperone, but they didn't do anything bad so I don't see what's wrong with it?"
I sat in my chair and twiddled my thumbs, I had never spoken to a superior that harshly before.
I cut him off, remembering a key point I want to make.
"Also, shouldn't good behavior be rewarded? Hell, you're a psychologist!"
"Ze Varners do not respond well to that kind of syztem-"
"Have you ever even tried using that?"
"Exactly, you just want to single them out because they got locked in a tower for 60 years. And now you're going to treat them like they're automatically crazy?? At least try something before you decide to be this ballsy with the rules!"
All three of the humans in the room sat there in utter shock. I looked down at my wrist, and although there was no watch there, I could tell that the time was 8:30.
"And with that I bid you adieu, I'm going to keep using the same rules. I'll keep giving them the same freedoms, and I'll show you how well the reward system works!"
I took one last sip of my now lukewarm tea before I gracefully pranced out the door, waving goodbye to the secretary at the desk .

(Sorry if this chapter kind of sucks, I've been in a bit of a writer's block (-w-'). I'll update soon!)

988 Words

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