[26] trust and truthfulness

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Marlee's POV

Harlow and Aries came back from detention with McGonagall and seemed very upbeat. They told Aries and I about some run in they had with George, Angelina and Fred.

"Fred said what?!" I practically yelled.

"I know! And I hope you don't mind about me telling them about your mum. I thought you would have told them already," Harlow apologized.

"It's alright, I was going to tell them eventually." Although I was a bit upset, Harlow seemed to feel very bad about it so I didn't care too much. I mean it wasn't a secret that she died, I just didn't like thinking about it.

"Well who'd you smell in your Amortentia, Mar?" Aries turned to me and asked.

I let out a deep sigh. "George," I mumbled and rolled my eyes. "But he didn't smell me, Fred was just joking—you know how he is!"

"I don't think he was joking about this. You should have seen the look on George's face when he said it," exclaimed Fabienne.

As much as I wanted to believe that it was me that he smelt, I didn't want to get my hopes up. I was already going through everyday like a sad love song because the one guy I wanted, I couldn't have.

"You have to tell him Marlee," Aries sighed and walked over to sit on my bed, "you have you tell him how you feel before it's too late."

I threw up my hands, crying out, "What's the point if he doesn't feel the same? Plus he's literally dating someone, I don't want to be that girl."

"If in ten years we're standing at George and Serena's wedding I don't want to hear you say anything then. I know you're going to regret not telling him. I mean look at me, I waited six years to tell Ceaser how I felt and I went through so much pain when in the end he was actually gay! Imagine if I had told him how I felt at the beginning. I wouldn't have gone through all of that," Aries argued. Damn was she good at that.

"Okay so I'll wait six years then," I bickered, stubbornly. Aries groaned loudly and laid down claiming she'd given up.

Harlow decided to take a shot and sat down on the other side of me. "Marlee, darling. I'm going to be very honest with you for a second...when are you going to stop pushing away all of your emotions and actually deal with something like a normal human being?" I stared at Harlow, stunned by her blunt words.

Fabienne came over and added to this as well, "Yeah, I mean at least you've come to your senses about liking George but now you shrug off the fact that you're sad about him dating Serena. It's okay to be upset about it."

"You're one to talk. You act like you don't care about Oliver moving on," I snapped and narrowed my eyes at her as she started turning red.

"We're not talking about me right now, we're talking about you. Even with George aside you still act like everything is fine with Serena and Zane. You know he has bad intentions but you still pretend like he's a good person. And Serena, you can't just go around saying you don't like her if you haven't even given her a chance to explain herself for what happened," Fabienne shot back.

"Oh I think she's had plenty of opportunities to explain herself and maybe I act like everything is fine because I'm mature and I know how to handle myself around people I don't like," my volume was starting to raise.

There was a moment of silence as the three of them looked at each other and Aries spoke up, "Marlee...we're not yelling at you, we just think that what you're doing is going to hurt you in the long run. You need to stop hiding and running away from your feelings. Would you rather look back and regret the things you did do or regret the things you didn't do and spend your whole life wondering what could have been..." Aries last words stung me like a bee.

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