c h i l d h o o d

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before we start i want to say: creds to @yasmineamaro,this story is also x reader but mainly in mattheos POV. and this story is not possesive, only containing characters from the story and some plots.

Love can mean a million things. To some, it's a feeling, to others an action. For me, I have never felt even a feeling of love. That was until I met my y/n.

Mattheos POV:

My home was never a welcoming place. It was swarmed with death eaters constantly. It only brings back memories of my childhood. My room was the only place I went to. The other death eaters scared the shit out of me. I was starting school today at Hogwarts. I was transferring mid-year. It was an order from my father. He said it was part of some mission. I frankly did not give a shit about it. I was 17, so I wouldn't be there for long. I remember as a child, always being terrified to even go downstairs. It was never a safe place unless you had a death wish. I learned how to play with the house-elves


"Now I have an addition to our plan," My father boomed. I have never been invited to a death eater meeting, so I was confused on worried about why I was here. "Mattheo, you will be starting school at Hogwarts, you need to be there as apart of a mission. I will, later on, tell you your purpose for being there, but for now, you do as I say". I scoffed and smirked. He can't be fucking serious. I brush my thighs and got up. Fucking assholes.

My short brown hair framed my sharp jawline as I examined myself in the mirror. I was eager to know what mission my father was talking about, and why it included me. I fixed my black suit up. I wasn't worried about starting school. I was Voldemorts fucking son. Anyone who even pissed me off would regret it after.

I firmly packed my bags in a black suitcase. I planned on apparating myself to the platform soon. I hated it, the feeling you get when you're doing it makes me sick.

Apparition and Disapparition. An apparition is a magical form of teleportation, through which a witch or wizard can disappear ("Disapparate") from one location and reappear ("Apparate") in another.

I heard a knock at my door.

"Mattheo, your father says it's time for you to go to the platform," the voice said. It was another death eater. I scoffed. "Tell him I'm on my way," I said as I grabbed my wand. I said what needed to be done. I soon swirled. It felt like I was falling for forever until it finally stopped. I still felt dizzy after.

I turned to see the platform. Tons of people were waving goodbye to their parents. Smoke flowed firmly against my black shoes. I smirked at how childish people looked with their parents. In reality, though, That's all I ever wanted. All I wanted was a family or even someone who cared about me. After 17 years of no one fucking caring about you, really affects you.

I stormed to get onto the train. Then someone bumped into me. "Yeah, watch were you fucking going asshole," She said. I turned to look at her. Something about her drew me. Her hair slickly fell past her shoulders, her eyes were brighter than a day, and her smile was perfect. What the fuck is going on? "I'm sorry?" I say. No one fucking talks to me that way. "Apology accepted," she says smirking. "I wasn't fucking apologizing," I say. She flips me off and walks past me. I have never been talked to like that. Something about her was different. Who the fuck was she?

As I walked onto the train, I saw her sitting down in a cart with others. It only recognized one person, Draco Malfoy. Growing up, his parents were death eaters, also meaning I saw him around. But she and Draco looked close. She was resting her head on his chest, and he stroked her hair. I moved past their cart to find an empty one just for myself. 

I closed my eyes, waiting for the train ride to end.



im aware that was rly short, but its mainly to introduce charaters.

also, should "she" be y/n, or a someone else?

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