l o n d o n (1 day til battle)

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"Blair Belby welcome to London"

Mattheos POV:

I held the letter close to my heart. Where was she? The battle was soon, and she was gone. I needed to find her, but I couldn't leave the schoo. My father wanted me to stay here. I needed to. I decided to stay and wait for her, for her to live, or for her to die.

Blairs POV:

The night was long. I was still in London with Harry. He stretched and got up. His messy brown hair flower over his eyes. "I didn't sleep, so I came up with a game plan," Harry said. "The others are in Hogwarts preparing, there only so much we can do in London. The death eaters could know we are here, so we need a low profile. Before we left I grabbed some materials to help us find the 2nd to the last Horcrux. We can go to a small cafe up the block, so come on and get changed," Harry said. I nodded and got ready.

London was very different. It was loud and busy. Harry pulled me up the block. We quickly hurried into the small cafe. "As we know, we have found and destroyed: Tom riddle's diary, Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Salazar Slytherin's Locket, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup," Harry said. 

"That leaves 3. I know we need to find, Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem and Nagini the Snake. That leaves one that I don't know of. What we do know is that the Diadem is in the school, and Nagini is always with Voldermort, meaning when we go to the school we can find both," says Harry. 

"Do you have any idea what the last one is?" I ask.

 "I don't know, just that it involves me," Says Harry.

I nod. "We need the locations of the Diadem, Nagini is the snake Voldermort always has so we have her located. I know the Diadem is in school. I can ask people when I get there," Harry says. "Logically speaking, we need to kill Nagini when Voldermort isn't around, or else there is no hope. I told Hermione and Ron to start searching for the Diadem while we stayed here," Said Harry.

"Ok, so that leaves the last one that somehow involves you," I say. "That's our main goal," Harry says. I order us coffee as we work. 

"Wait, so how do you know it involves you?" I ask. "Well, remember when Voldermort got inside my head, well I got these visions. That's how I know," Harry said. We worked for hours that afternoon, but nothing on how it involves Harry.

"So the plan is we go back to Hogwarts tomorrow, but secretly. We sneak in and destroy what we can. We pack tonight. I have a plan for today. I got word of Lucius and Snape being in the Ministry today. Meaning, if we can sneak in on them talking about any plans and or the last Horcrux, it can and will help," Spoke Harry.

We exited the cafe to perform a disguise potion. We headed on. I wonder how Mattheos doing.

Mattheos POV:

She was gone. And I could do nothing about it. I needed her. I couldn't be there to protect her. I wrote her a letter. On the front, it said: Love is a million things but to me. It is just one.


I don't know where you are, frankly, you could be anywhere. These death eaters won't spare anyone's life tomorrow, so just in case I am writing this. I love you. I have always loved you. Since the train, since all of those partys. Most people would be feared to step even near me, but you saw a different side of me. A side no one understood. I remember when I saw you crying that night. I felt like my world had fallen apart. Blair, I love you and will always. I didn't even know how to show love or feeling before you.

your dearest lover,


I set it in her coat pocket on her bed. Love can mean a million things, but for me, it's just one.

Blairs POV:

The walk was long. Harry and I both disguised ourselves as random people. "Stay close," says Harry. I nod.

We enter. I start to panic. Right now, Harry and I were prime suspects, and targets. "We need to find Snape and Mr. Malfoy," Harry said. The ministry was filled with people. I picked up a newspaper. The front headline read "Potter and Belby if found a large reward. The whole newspaper was warnings of us. "Shit," I muttered.

"This is worse than I thought," said Harry. We walked into an elevator. An elderly couple was chatting next to us. "Did you hear about that potter boy the Belbys daughter?" The other said. The man nodded. "What a shame, I had such high hopes for that girl. The Potter boy, on the other hand, was a lost cause." I quickly butted in. "Not that it's any of you dimwits business, but just know, that I think harry if he was here, would love to be the subject of your conversation. He loves his fans," I say as Harry and I step out and walk away, leaving the couple breathless.

"Your amazing Blair," Harry says. I laugh and pull him down the hall. We reach and pass by many doors, all looking the same. We soon hear 2 male voices coming from a room. Harry lights up. "It's Snape and Malfoys dad," Harry says. I nod and try to be quiet.

We leaned into the dark wall. "So we have eyes on both the boy and girl, they are in London," Said Snape. I shot a worried glance at Potter. "Yes. Is he aware of the last Horcrux?" Asked Mr.Malfoy. "He will learn when it's time, and then die for it," Snape said. "Along with the girl, you know what to do with her," Asked Mr. Malfoy. "Yes. We will be ready," said Snape. I heard them walk to the door, and Harry and I ran. We hopped into the nearest elevator. As we waited, our disguise faded. The door opened, and the public saw us. "Grab them!" someone shouted. We ran. Harry shot spells, and we ran out.

We darted into the hotel room. "We stay here. We will stay put until the battle," Harry says. I nod. Now we just wait. We sat there. I drifted to sleep. "Sleep Blair, I will be here when you wake up," Harry said.

Narrirators POV (Voldermorts meeting currently)

All death eaters sat before a long black oak table. "The time is soon my lord," Spoke Bellatrix. "Yes. We know what to do with Potter. He will die," Said Voldermort. "As for the girl, she will be dead too." They all nodded. "My son and Draco are saying others are planning, but we outnumber them," Said Voldemort. Night fall soon struck, leaving people fearfully in their beds.



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