b a t t l e

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Mattheos POV:

Today was the day. Only a couple more hours until death eaters stormed the castle. I had no idea where Blair was.

Blairs POV:

The night was long. Both Harry and I didn't sleep. We were too busy worrying about what was to come. "Blair, we leave later. The death eaters are coming in an hour. We need extra time to get into the school. I nodded. "Harry, we can do this, I know we can," I say. We both lay there staring at our ceiling.

30 mins past. "Ready Harry?" I ask. "Ready Blair," he says. We travel and land just outside of the school, still hidden.

Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me. "There's a secret way to enter the school," said Harry. "Come on." We entered a tunnel. It was dark and gross. In the end, Ron and Hermione greeted us. "About time," They said. I laughed. "Now come on, we don't have that much time," Said Hermione.

I walked down many halls. I hoped to find Mattheo. "I will be right back," I say. The group nodded. I turned to go to Mattheos dorm. I opened the door. There he was. I ran and wrapped myself around him. I felt a tear drop onto my shoulder. "I thought you were dead," he said. "I'm here, I'm here,' I say. "I do have to go, I'm sorry I'm leaving again, but it's the only way I can win. I love you," I say as I leave.

It felt paining to leave him. I had to do it.

I met up with the others. We hid in the crowd of kids in the Great Hall. I saw Snape standing in the center of the room. "If anyone sees or spots Potter and Blair, you report them to me now. I don't like liars," Said Snape.

I couldn't take this any longer. Snape stood, in the school Dumbledore built, yet Snape killed him. "You son of a bitch," I say. Everyone's eyes avert to me. "You stand there, in a school Dumbledore built, yet you were the one to kill him. Your nothing more than a coward," I yell. "Expelliarmus," I yell. Snape disarmed my spell. I fired spells at him, just for him to block them. 'Fightback you coward," I yell. With a cloud of black smoke, he disappears. Leaving me in a hall of cheering kids. 'Blair, that was the bravest and badass thing I have ever seen," Harry says. I smile. 

"Voldermort and the death eaters will be coming soon," I say. Harry nods. "We need time. That's all we need," Harry says.

Soon, a barrier spell was put around the school, locking everyone inside. Outside Deatheaters tried getting in. "The spell will wear off soon, so we need to be quick," I say. "Blair, there is something I haven't told you yet. It's the last Horcrux, it's me. I have to die for Voldermort to die," says Harry. I look at him. "Harry there has to be another-." "No Blair, there isn't, just stay safe please," Harry says. We split off the find the other Horcruxes. I needed to find the diadem.

I walked the long halls. Students ran from all sides, trying to hide and getaway.

I walked up the stairs. "Where are you going, Blair?" Luna asked. 'I need to find the diadem," I say. "You're going the wrong way about this," says luna. "Excuse me?" I say. "Your asking people who are alive, you need to find someone dead silly," says Luna. "Luna you are brilliant," I say. I run up to find the ghosts.

After speaking around I knew where to find it. I needed to go to the room of hidden things.

I found Harry and brought him with me. "You are truly brilliant Bleby," says Harry. We entered the room. After searching, Harry found it. I heard footsteps approaching. "Well well, what brings you here?" Draco asked. Shit. "I could ask you the same," I say. "You have something of mine. I would like it back," Draco says. "Well, what's wrong with the one you have," Harry says. "It's powerful, but it's not the same," Draco says. "Doesn't quite understand me, know what I mean?". "Come on Draco, don't be a prick," Goyle whispers. Draco had his eyes on me the whole time.

"Expeliarmus," shouts Hermione behind me. Spells fired left and right. The diadem was shot out of our hands leaving it hidden in the rubble of objects. Draco and his friends ran. We immediately started searching.

Then Harry found it. Soon, an orange light shone through the halls. Followed by a Ron scream. A large flam in the shape of a snake started the burn the place down. Harry grabbed me and we ran.

The whole place lit on fire. We were trapped. We grabbed our brooms and flew up and away. Then I stopped a batch of blonde hair. Draco was trapped. "I can't leave him," I yelled. I turned around and grabbed him. I landed on the ground. Draco ran. I spotted the diadem on the ground. Harry stabbed it. We needed to find Nagini now.

Harry looks at me. "Blair I need to go. I will be right back just stay here," Harry says. I nod and wait. An hour has passed. I heard people running outside. Soon a scream from Ginny Weasley breaks out. I run. I saw Hagrid holding someone. Voldermort booms out "Harry Potter is dead." I start crying. I could feel someone holding me. It was Mattheo. I buried my head into his chest. "Now if anyone would like to come forward and join us, come now," Voldermort said. Dracos's parents called for him. I shifted my glance over. Cassie gripped his hand and whispered something to him. Draco stayed there, holding Cassie's hand. "Son come here now," Voldermort said. I held Mattheo. He didn't move an inch. Voldermort laughed. "You will regret this later you foolish child," He said.

Neville Longbottom stepped forward. "Harry didn't die in vain, he died for us. Harry died a good person, unlike how you're about to die," Neville shouted. Harry freed himself from Hagrids grasp. He and Voldermort shot spells at each other. Soon death eaters were fleeing and leaving. Bellatrix came behind me. I shot spells at her as she shot back. "You foolish little girl," she says. Soon a voice caught me off guard. "Avada Kedavra," Shouted Bellatrix, and a green light hit my chest. I saw Mattheo run to me. 

Mattheos POV:

I looked away for a second, and the next thing I knew I was holding her dead body in my arms. "I'm so sorry," I cried. "This is all my fault," I said. Before I could say anything I heard my father behind me. "Obliviate," was the last thing I heard.



sorry if im slow at updating I have midterms this week lolz

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