Chapter 7

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It was getting dark outside and all of the players were tired as shit. They had been playing practically all day and their bodies were about to shut down completely.

"I can't do this anymore.." Atsumu panted as he dropped his arm holding his now empty water bottle. "The amount of water I drank today could end a DROUGHT!"

"Atsumu SHUT UP." Suna said from his spot on the bench.

"Stop BULLYING ME Suna.."

"Shut up Atsumu!" Sakusa said from across the gym causing the blonde twin to gasp dramatically.

"Is he always like this?" Hirugami turned to Sakusa who was standing next to him, the dark curly headed boy just nodded.
After a short bus ride, they all were back at the hotel. They all had to quickly make it up to their rooms or else the smell of sweaty highschoolers would fill up the front hall. Everyone quickly found their way up to their rooms.

Akagi was digging through his bag for some nice pajamas when the room door opened. He turned to see Atsumu walking in with a sigh.

"I was wondering who my roommate was." The libero said as he continued to look through his duffle bag.

"Yeah. Samu wanted to room with Suna, so yer all I've got."

"I'm glad I was your second choice."

"Technically ya would be third. I wanted to room with Omi, but then there was the whole stick with yer team thing."

"That makes me feel better?" Akagi said as he stood up with his shower things in his arms. "I'm just going to go take a shower."

"See ya."

Komori was drying off his hair since he just got out of the shower. Sakusa already took his shower, after cleaning the entire thing, and he was just sitting on his bed reading book.

"What was up with you before the match?" Sakusa said without looking up as he turned to the next page in his book.

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about."


"UGH. Fine..." He put the towel he was using for his hair down and laid back onto the headboard of the bed. "I was sitting right here with him, and we were trying to decide where we were going to decide where we were going to hang out. He pointed at some place and I turned to look at him. But when I looked up, we were face to face. Like KISSING distance. I felt my heart starting to run and it was a whole thing and we just sat there-"

"Okay I get it." Sakusa cut him off. "You need to control your rambling when you're nervous. What you're saying is that you almost kissed him?"


"Oh my god." Sakusa just facepalmed.

"Kiyoomi I don't know what to do!"

"Why don't you just confess to him when you get the chance?"

"I CAN'T."

"There's nothing stopping you." Sakusa closed his book and turned to fully look at his cousin. "I'll help you just this once."

Those words made Komori sit up abruptly. He turned to the ace with wide eyes. "You? Kiyoomi Sakusa, help me?"

"Don't make me regret this..." Sakusa sighed out. "You can go down to his room, and I'll invite Atsumu up to ours. You confess and live happily ever after."

Komori opened his mouth, but closed it. "Do you really think he likes me?"

"YES Motoya. It's obvious."

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