Chapter 10

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"I...have feelings for you." Komori said quickly.

Akagi felt his mind go blank. It felt like his entire body had just shut down. He just stared at the boy, blinking. 'What did he just say?' That was the only thought that the poor boy could process. His crush did just confess to him after all. In his state of shock, he didn't notice Komori stand up, on the verge of tears.

"I-I'm gonna go." Komori walked out of the room before Akagi could even call out to him. The green haired boy cursed under his breath, and went to go after him. He speedwalked down the hall, but he ended up running into Atsumu. The taller boy looked at him, confused.

"Why are ya in such a hurry?"

"I need to see Komori..." Akagi went to go around him, but the other grabbed his arm.

"I don't think you should do that." Atsumu turned around and looked down the hall towards Sakusa and Komori's shared room. "He came in there cryin' and Omi was pretty pissed."

"Shit, shit, shit!" Akagi pulled his arm out of Atsumu's grip and turned around with his head in his hands.

"Wait, what happened?"

"I'll tell you in the room.." Akagi walked back to their hotel room with Atsumu following right behind him. They got there, and the libero flopped onto his bed. The setter just sat down on his. The two of them sat there in silence for at least a minute.

"Are ya goin' to tell me or what?"

"Okay. Long story short he said that he liked me-"

"And you rejected him?!"

"No! I didn't say anything..."

"Akagi Michinari I swear to God." Atsumu facepalmed. "Why didn't you say anything?" He whined.

"I couldn't! My head just went blank! I couldn't muster up words!"

"You've definitely gotta sort this out, and you've gotta do it fast."

Akagi groaned out of frustration. "How? You said it yourself. Sakusa is fuming. I've got no chance."

"Listen, we'll figure it out alright? I'll get Sakusa out of there, you fix your issue." Atsumu dragged his hand down his face. Akagi didn't say anything, he just simply nodded.

Komori cried into his hands while Sakusa rubbed his back. Normally, he wouldn't do this for anyone else besides Atsumu, but his cousin needed him. "Come on Motoya. You've gotta tell me what happened."

Komori just sniffled, not being able to form coherent sentences at that moment. "I-I told him how I f-felt."


"He did-didn't say anything." Komori broke down again, his sobbs seeming a little harder than before. Sakusa sighed and muttered something to himself. He decided to wait until the other calmed down before even attempting to have an actual conversation. The two sat there in silence until the brown-haired boy's cries died down. 

"This is my fault.." Sakusa looked to the side wall. Komori looked up at him, extremely confused.

"How is it your fault? You couldn't control his reaction..."

"I'm the one who made you do it. You told me you were scared."

" probably would've been the same even if I did it on my own time.."

"Let's go to bed. It's really late." Komori sighed and walked over to his bed. He just laid down without a word. Sakusa did the same since this obviously isn't the time for a conversation.

Day four finally was upon them. Nothing actually changed during practice. The only thing was, Komori seemed to be purposely avoiding Akagi, much to the others' dislike. Sakusa was also sending him dirty glares when the two met eyes. Ginjima, being pretty observant, noticed quickly. He asked Atsumu what the deal was and when he got the scoop, he immediately realized how big of a deal this is.

"Screw Akagi's motor skills..." He mumbled to Atsumu.

"I wanted to say that but I didn't want to seem that rude." He rubbed the back of his head and sighed.

"Did you devise a plan yet?"

"Sorta? I don't know if Komori will actually talk to him though."

"Let's hope for the best."

Their break ended and they got back onto the court. Once again, they worked their butts off. They were all waiting patiently for the end of tomorrow. Then they finally get to relax for once. When dinner time finally rolled around, they didn't see Sakusa or Komori at all. Atsumu and Akagi even waited behind for at least 10 minutes, but the two never came. They went back to their rooms and Akagi shoved his face into his pillow again. There was a knock on the door and the two boys perked up. Their moods immediately dropped when they saw that it was just Ginjima.

"I'm not sure if I should be offended or not." The grey-haired boy closed the door behind him.

"Half and half." Atsumu tilted his hand back and forth. The other second year stretched his mouth into a line before looking at the oldest in the room. He walked over to Akagi and poked the back of his head a couple times.

"Are you sulking or sleeping?"

"Hmm hm." Akagi replied, but it was muffled by the pillow.

"I'm taking that as sulking. Which you can't do anymore." He pulled the sad boy up by the arm. Said boy just groaned.

"Why can't I?"

"What do you MEAN? You need to fix this!" Atsumu interrupted their conversation by pushing them away from each other.

"How bout this," He started to make his way to the door, "I try to get Komori in here, and you need to talk to him."

"And you're gonna make that happen how exactly?"

"Just let me try. Gin, go back to your room."

"You're so hostile" Ginjima stood up and gave Akagi a pat on the shoulder. "Good luck." The two boys walked out of the room, leaving the libero alone.

Atsumu waved at the other as the two parted ways. He started to speed up his pace and quickly made his way to Sakuda and Komori's door. He lifted his hand to knock, but then quickly realized that he didn't even have a plan. "Fuck me..." He whispered. He just decided to wing it and knock anyways. Sakusa opened the door after Atsumu waited a hot minute.

"Hey Atsu. What's up?"

"Hey Omi-kun." The blonde boy smiled nervously.

"What do you want?" Sakusa's face dropped into one of unamusement. He stepped out of the room full and closed the door behind him. "Is this going to be something over the top?"

"What-" Atsumu cut himself off. He didn't want to get all defensive, just to prove the other right. Sakusa looked at him extremely confused before he continued. "I need to borrow Komori." He batted his eyelids innocently.


"C'mon Omi" Atsumu whined. "It's for a good cause."

Sakusa blinked at Atsumu and sighed, crossing his arms and shifting his weight onto one foot. "Atsu, I love you, I really do."

"I love you too O-"

"But no." Atsumu was cut off with Sakusa's hard tone. "I grew up with Komori, he's like my brother. I can obviously tell that he doesn't want to be associated with anyone from your team. Especially Akagi." Sakusa stood up straight again as his face got much more serious.

"Wha?" Atsumu was speechless. He didn't expect Kiyoomi to react in this demeanor, especially towards him. He went to open his mouth again, but the other held up his hand, cutting him off before he even got the chance to speak.

"No Atsumu. That's final."

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