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Starr Marie

Those hazel eyes.


"You look beautiful Amore," Damon takes my arm once I take the last step of the stairs.

I smile at the black suit he had on. There was a red tie to match it bringing out the similarities of our outfits.

He had on gold jewelry, which we wore often. I began to believe it was his signature style.

My attention shifts back to Damon, "And you look..." I know I'm going to regret this but damn was I right. "You look like my future baby daddy." O who stands in the corner let's out a huge laugh.

You know the one when you snort and sometime s little spit come out? Yeah. That was the laugh he projected.

But from Damon, I didn't receive anything—not a shocked, confused, or angry expression. He remained neutral. Maybe he agreed with me. Who knows? But the long pause beg to differ.

To save myself from embarrassment, I look into Orlando's direction then back at Damon. "Shall we go?" He nods in agreement then takes my arm into his.

We walk out the door and down the stairs before we stop in front of the car. Damon turns making complete eye contact with me.

"I think it's time to give you this," Damon pulls out a black box and hands me it. I rub my hands against the top just before I open it. It was a beautiful silver necklace with diamonds engraved inside it. It shined in the sun that was slowly becoming nonexistent. It was extremely beautiful.

"No. That is to much. You c-can't... y-" I couldn't find the correct words to say. I was not his wife nor his girlfriend. We never fully established what we were. That's why I felt like this gift was not for me. It had to be for someone else.

Someone who meant more.

"Starr." He pauses. Damon never really said my real name. He always had nicknames for me of he just simply didn't say anything at all. "I'm giving you this because I want to. You deserve this more than anything Amore. Plus it'll look good with your dress."

I shake my head in rejection. "But—"

Damon has cut me off. "But.." He pauses reaching into his pocket once again. "If you think that's a lot, then what would you call this." He pulls out a smaller box.

My mouth drops as he hands me another box. "Damon I—" he waves me off signaling me to open the box. I open the box only to see matching earrings.

They were stunning.

Beautiful diamond square earrings. Knowing he wouldn't let me give them back I said what he wanted to hear and what I really felt. "Thank you. For everything. You have protected me and I deeply appreciate everything you have done."

A smile tugs at his lips as he grabs the necklace box turning me away from him. His finger tips brushed along my skin as he put it on. Next he helped me put on the stunning earrings.

I turn back to his direction looking down at the necklace that sits on my neck. When I look at him, I notice he's a few steps closer.

"La mia stella, se solo ti piacesse il vero me," Meaning- My star, if only you liked the real me.

I confusingly frowned at words that came out of his mouth. It was Italian. "Could you translate that to a monolingual?"

A laughs escapes from his lips. He kisses me passionately. A kiss I've yet to experience until now. It was different.

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