Damon King
"Recap. You're informing me that Starr is at her fathers home?" I ask listening to the words Easten is saying to me.
"I tricked her into thinking I left when I dropped her off. She's at her dads house and I'm guessing it's to stop this fight with both of her families," He explains further. "Her families as in us and brava."
"Easten I understand what you meant. I'd like to think that I don't need the extra explanation," I roll my eyes at the thought of her being anywhere near the family that ruined mine.
Easten nod his head. "I apologize boss. It just doesn't make any sense. They want to kill her, why would they let her in like a guest?" He questions me as if everything at this point isn't just as perplexing to me as it is too him.
O taps his pen on the table, "All we know is Antonio and his men is after her..." He pauses thinking. "So what if her dad is not behind any of it?"
Chris shakes his head in agreement, "I mean he's right. If Ivan Russi wanted her dead then she would have been dead ages ago, unless this is some type of game and they're toying with us."
"I agree. This have to be a jealous-hate thing that Antonio have against her or some plan to finish Starr off," O states. "Starr did say that he wanted something that was given to her by her mother."
Taking in everyone's thoughts, I felt anger run though my veins. I found it hard to understand how someone so bright and delicate could end up with the darkest people and dangerous situations. How the darkest and the dirtiest want someone pure like her.
I found it upsetting.
Because I myself was just as dangerous and dark as these man, but I had morals and laws for the things I do and did.
Starr being with me would be less of an issue than her being with the two men who don't care for her.
"So what's the plan boss?" Charlie asks the question for himself and the other three guys in the room— Orlando, Easten, and Chris.
"We go get her," Is all I say before I get up and look at the board that Starr left unfinished. "She had a plan. I think finishing it would perhaps workout in our favor."
Starr Marie
"Daughter?" I ask in confusion. "Did you just say daughter?" I question him, trying to figure out if the man before me is my father or not.
He lets out a little laugh, "How do you think you got the dark complexion? Yes I'm your father."
I sigh at the thought of me finally meeting my dad, but I never thought it would be in this way. I was lost in so many ways.
He continues. "But, I haven't formally introduced myself to you," He pause holding his hand out to shake mine. I take his hand into mine shaking it, "I'm Ivan Russi. It's a pleasure meeting you."
I look at his brown eyes before me. They gave me a chilling feeling, one I felt small underneath. "Nice to meet you, I'm Starr Marie."
He drops his hand from mine and makes a face as if he was well informed. "I know. I just wonder why your mother named you Starr," He says staring into my soul.
My eyes drop to the ground then scan back up to him, "If I knew, I would tell you but sadly she died before either of us could know the answer to that question." He looks at me with no emotion on his face. "But you already knew that right," I say confirming that he knew that she died and all the events before that.
"Yes, I did," He says quieter than his recent comments. I assumed he didn't want to talk about it anymore from the expression planted on his face. "So the real question is... why are you here?"

The Mafia Sacrifice
Romance"Everything comes with a sacrifice, deal, or benefit, however for some reason I can't figure out if I'm either of those." ---------------------------- Love is not so dangerous and that is one thing Starr Marie was not aware of when entering her...