A walk

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Iduna's POV

I woke up with a start. I climbed out of bed and opened the window to clear my head of the nightmare. I had been having the dream of the war for weeks since that dreadful day. I felt a warm blow in my face and waking me up from my thoughts. I had to get out of the house, I ran over to the bed and stuffed my pillow and a few dresses under the blanket. I squeezed through the window and climbed onto the branch outside the window. I climbed down the tree and walk to edge of Arendelle. 


I sat on a branch that over looked the landscape. Getting up before the sun had always been my favorite thing to do, I loved the sunrises through the trees. I smiled as the sun started to creep up across the sky and making shadows scurry away into dark corners where the sun couldn't touch. Thoughts of the Enchanted Forest crept into my mind and I had to hold back tears. It was the voice that knocked me from my thoughts. I turned in the direction of the voice. It was Agnarr. I was so rushed to get off the tree that I missed the branch and I fell. I hit the ground hard and Agnarr ran over to help me. 

"Are you okay?" He asked as he held out his hand for me. I looked up into his lively green eyes. "Aren't you that girl from the castle?" He said as he pulled me up, I nodded slowly. 

"Yes." I said quietly as I focused on picking some leaves out of my hair. 

"What's you name?" 

"Iduna, your majesty."

"No, it's okay to just call me Agnarr."

"Okay, Agnarr."

"Were you okay? I mean you looked upset." Agnarr said and I saw worry in his eyes.

"Just lost in thought, I guess." I chuckled nervously and hopping he would believe me, I could tell he did not.

"Well, Iduna, would it be okay if I walked you home?" He said and I could tell he was pitying me, I didn't need his pity. I could manage by myself.

"No thanks. I can manage." I said as polite as possible for I didn't like his pity for me and I was getting a bit annoyed.

"I insist." He said and I looked to see that pity was gone, was it even there of was I imagining it? He now looked very polite with his smile. 

"Oh alright, I guess it can't hurt." I sighed and he grinned even wider which made him look even cuter. "What was I thinking? A Northuldran does not get a prince!" I warn myself before the feeling became even stronger. His people hated us. It work never work.


During the walk, we talked and got to know each other all over again. At last we reached my house.

"So hopefully we meet again, Iduna." Agnarr said as he bowed gracefully, I curtsied back, I'm glad that he wasn't looked for I still hadn't gotten the full skill of a curtsy and I was a bit clumsy. I opened the door and slipped inside. I let out a sigh as soon as I closed the door. I lean against the the door, I was still trying to understand what just happened. I didn't know what to do, I thought that staying away from him would protect him but now I wasn't so sure. What could be the worst that could happen to him with me there? I was so deep in thought that I had forgot about Ingrid. I jolted up at the sound of footsteps. 

"Oh no! Ingrid!" I thought as I made a  dash for the stairs. I was running because Ingrid didn't like me being up so early, she wanted me to get more sleep. I rushed up nearly tripping on a step. I ran to my room and threw open the door, the foot falls sounded closer. I ran across the room and shoved the dresses aside. I jumped into bed just as the door opened and Ingrid poked her head inside.

"Iduna, honey, are you awake?" Ingrid as she walked over to my bed and shook my shoulder to wake me up.

"Huh, yeah." I said as I pretended to be sleepy. She smiled at that.

"Breakfast is ready." Ingrid said as she walked to the door. I crawled out of bed and followed her downstairs. She lead me into the dinning room and I sat down. I was munching on a piece of bread when she asked a question.  

"So what was it like living in the Enchanted Forest?" She asked and I was so surprised that I nearly choked on the bread then I remember I had told her everything. 

"It was beautiful in the spring and I loved to run with reindeer." I explained and Ingrid just listen with a blissful smile like she was enjoying to hear my tales. When I had finished telling her and I had also finished up my breakfast, we went upstairs so she could do up my hair and put me in a corset. I sucked in a breath so she could pull it tighter. Then I put on the beautiful light blue shoes. 

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