Meeting Agnarr, again

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Iduna's POV

I heard birds chirping so I opened my eyes. I was in a middle sized room with only a wardrobe in the corner. I pulled back the sheets and climbed out. My feet touched the cold wooden floor as I made my way downstairs. The smell of eggs tickled my nose. I saw Ingrid and Erik sitting in the dinning room. 

"Oh, dear, you're up. How was your sleep?" Ingrid asked as she placed some eggs on Erik's plate. 

"Great and this smell good." I said as I made my way downstairs and joined them. I dug into my milky eggs.

"Iduna, would you like to come to the castle with me?" Ingrid asked and I looked up with my cheeks filled with eggs.

"Sure, why?" I asked as I swallowed the eggs and almost choked. 

"Well, I got a letter from the queen inviting me to make I dress for her. It is a big honor and I need a helper." She explained and I agreed. After breakfast we got dressed in our nicest dresses. Ingrid pulled out a lavender dress with a flower embroider in it. Before I couldn't stop her, she had my hair in a bun. 

"All ready to go." She said as we walked out the door.


When we reached the castle, we were stopped by the guards till Ingrid showed them the letter and they let us in.  The main hallway was breath taking. The high ceilings to the marble floors. Our shoes clicked as we walked down the hallway. We made a turn into a room with huge oak doors. Two guards pulled them open for us and we walked in. The room was a normal sized room ( for a queen). There was a huge bed in the corner and the closest took over most of the room. A women with pale skin and sandy blonde hair emerged from it. She had a long beautiful ivy dress on.

"Your highness." Said Ingrid as she curtsied but I just stood there mesmerized and Ingrid shot me a glare then I realized how rude I was being so I curtsied. 

"Ingrid, I'm so glad you could make it." 

"Wouldn't miss it, my queen." She said back. Then the women's eyes drifted over to me and I straighten nervously. 

"Who is this little lady?" She asked and Ingrid looked at me.

"My daughter, Iduna." Ingrid said and I smiled nervously. Queen Rita nodded. She walked towards me and held out her hand. 

"Nice to meet you, Iduna." She said as I shook her hand. "Well, let's to the point shall we." She said as she walked back over to Ingrid.

"Yes, your highness." Said Ingrid "Iduna, could you take these dresses to the laundry room. It's down the hallway." Queen Rita said as she placed a basket of dresses in my arms. I saluted but stopped when the dresses nearly fell. I walked down the hallway. I was so busy trying to hold the dresses that I wasn't paying attention. I didn't see someone walking the other way. I bumped into them and the dresses went flying. They landed in piles all over the hallway. 

"I'm so sorry." I said as I started picking up the dresses. 

"Here let me." A voice said as we reached for the same dress and our hands touched. I looked up to see Agnarr. 

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