The girl

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Ingrid's POV

I was helping my husband gaver wood and put it in the wagon. I screamed when I saw prince Agnarr. My husband ran towards me and I was still in shock.

"What is it, Ingrid?" He asked then stopped talking when he saw Agnarr.

"Erik, we have to take him to the castle." I said as my husband put the last of the supplies in the wagon and we hopped in. I sat in the back to watch the prince as my husband sat at the front to keep the horses pulling the wagon. I heard sobbing coming from the blanket next to me so I lifted it up to reveal a young girl with brown hair, she had lots of freckles. She looked up and me with eyes full with tears. 

"Hello, little one. What's your name?"


"Well,  Iduna. Where are you parents?"

"Dead." She replied coldly.

"I'm so sorry." I said feeling sad for her then the wagon stopped with a shudder. I hide Iduna under the blanket so that the guard would not see her. The guards came around and picked up prince Agnarr and took him to the castle. Me and my husband rode home and I let Iduna sit in the front with us.

"Iduna, would you like to join our family?" I asked her, Iduna with a big smile. When we got home, I gave Iduna my old dresses.

"You look lovely." I smiled at her when she walked out in a light purple dress with her wild, untamed hair in a bun.

"I feel suffocated in this dress." Iduna stated as she did a stiff turn so that I could get a better look.

"Don't be so dramatic."I told her. Then Erik called us down for dinner. 


When dinner was done, Iduna went upstairs and didn't come down for the rest of the night.   

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