The strange girl

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Agnarr's POV

I was making my way to my mother's dressing room when I bumped into a girl my age. The basket that she was carrying went flying. I helped her pick up the dresses. Our hands touched and I looked up to see a pretty girl with chestnut brown hair and deep blue eyes like the seas. We stared at each other for long time till I spoke up.

"Hello, are you new here? I haven't see you before." I asked and watched her face fall into sadness.

Iduna's POV

For one moment I hopped that he would remember me but then he said those words that cut deep. My heart sunk in disappointment. 

"What's wrong?" He said and I forced a smile.

"Nothing, your highness." I said as I picked up the last dress and hurried past him. I hurried to down the hallway till I reached the room and gave the dresses to the maids that worked there. A window was opened at the end of the hallway. I rushed to it and climbed out. The gardens where right below me and I grabbed ahold of the branches of a tree and climbed down. When I reached the bottom, I sat with my legs against my chest. 

"Iduna, how could you be so dumb? Of course he didn't remember me." I scolded myself. "If we never met then his dad would still be alive and Agnarr would be happy without me in his life." I sniffled and buried my head in my hands. 

Agnarr's POV

I watched the girl run off as I stared after her. She was probably just a new servant girl and I would probably not see her again. I continued my way to see my mother. When I got there I saw a women with dark brown hair and brown eyes that was talking to my mom. My mother turned and saw me. 

"Agnarrr, I would like you to meet my new dressmaker, Ingrid." She said as the women named Ingrid curtsied. 

"Nice to meet you, Ingrid." I said with a bow. My mother smiled at this. 

"It's my pleasure, sire." She said back with a very polite smile. I turned to my mother with a now tired look.

"The court wants meet, again." I said and my mom also frowned. The court had wanted so many meetings since the war in the Enchanted Forest. The meetings were usually about how the Northuldra are traitors and what to do if they come after us. I sometimes just sit and listen to it but once I screamed that they were trapped in the mist like everyone else and no one was coming after us. They didn't look to pleased that I was siding with the Northuldra, I wasn't even sure why I was. It was just a instinct to defend them. But I knew I would have to still go so I took in a deep breath and let it out. I was ready for their snotty attitude of noble men. 

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