Part 63

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J-I thought you'd like to stay here B-ahw jug... J- do you like it? I nodded and kissed him J- I booked the same room as last time, with a bed for Addy. B-wow juggie... that's amazing. I love you juggie. J-I love you too betts, let's go okay? B-yea.

I picked up addy and jug helped me stand up while FP got a few bags out of the trunk of the car. B-I didn't even notice those.

Jug grabbed the bags and together we walked inside. We got to the counter to check in when someone said

??- aren't you Betty and Jughead? And Addelaine? We looked at the person and jug said J-uhm yea, that's us ??-wow, I'm so sorry for what happened to you betty. B-oh uhm it's uhm it's fine...

The person walked away again and Betty addy and I went to our room. It was the same as the last time. I helped Betty lay down and she almost instantly fell asleep. I decided to first give addy a bath and put her to bed and then I went to Betty. She was peacefully sleeping on the bed. I carefully took of her clothes and changed her into one of my shirts. I put on a pear of sweatpants and laid down next to Betty. I covered us in the blanket, which made her wake up

B-hmm jug? J-hey baby, let's go to sleep okay? She nodded and snuggled closer to me. I was about to fall asleep when addy started crying. I picked her up and held her close to me. She calmed down and fell asleep in my arms. I didn't want to wake her up so I decided to let her stay with me and Betty for this time. We all fell asleep

The next morning I woke up because my phone was ringing. I picked it up and saw it was my grandparents. I answered it

On call


J-hey grandpa!

Gp-jug, I saw you and Betty on the news! You're famous! They're at 30.000!

J-what? What are you talking about?

Gp-just look up your name jug, you'll see it.

J-really, what is it?

Gp-I have to hang up now jug, grandma and I love you.

J-bye grandpa, I love you too.

He hung up and Betty looked up at me B-why did he call? J-he said I have to look up our names and something about 30.000. B-well look it up!

Betty grabbed her phone and googled our names. The first click was a site made by the people of the show we went on.

J-what is that? B- I think... I think they're raising money for us... that's great, they're at 34.063 dollars! J-Betty, we can pay the bills soon!

I hugged Betty and after we pulled away I picked up addy, who was fussing a bit. Betty held her and she started calming down.

Betty and I were both super excited, we decided to pack our stuff so my dad could come pick us up so we could tell the amazing news. I first callled my dad to ask how late he could be here

On call

FP-hey jug, how are you and the girls?

J-we're great, how late can you come pick us up?

FP-aren't you having a good time there?

J-yea but we wanted to know.

FP-uhm well, I have a few things I have to do this morning so it's gonna be a few hours before I can get there

J-oh, okay call me when you can come

FP-okay, now you go relax with your family.

We hung up and I turned to Betty.

J-he can't come right now, it's gonna take a few hours so we'll have to find something to do. B-can we take a bath? With the three of us? J-yea sure, if that's what you want then we'll do that. I kissed her and then I kissed addy.

We went to the bathroom and took addy's little matras with us. I turned on the water, it couldn't be too hot for addy so it was a mild temperature. Betty started undressing herself and I did the same. When I was only in my underwear I realized I had forgotten to grab

Addy's bathing stuff. I picked her up and walked to the suitcase. I grabbed Addy's stuff and went back to the bathroom, where I saw Betty standing in front of the mirror. She wasn't wearing anything.

J-hey gorgeous B-jug, I'm ugly J-what betts, you're not ugly! I put addy down and stood next to her

J-what makes you think that? B-just look at you, you're handsome and muscular and I'm just... fat... J-betts, you're not fat, you just had a baby. B-so? That doesn't mean that I'm not ugly. J-no, it doesn't. But you aren't ugly I promise. I stood behind her and wrapped my arms around her naked body. Seeing her and touching her like that made me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. And because of that I got 'excited'. Betty noticed and giggled

J-I guess you have your proof. I giggled too and took of the rest of my clothes. Even though I really wanted her I knew i had to contain myself since our daughter was right there and betty was still really weak so i didnt want to force her into anything.

I turned of the water when the bathtub was about halfway full and helped Betty step in. I took of addy's clothes too and stepped in the bathtub with Betty. The whole time we cuddled, but it only lasted a short time until addy wanted to go out so I went out too and dried her. I put on her clothes and then out her in bed and tucked her in. She almost instantly fell asleep and I got back to Betty. I didn't close the bathroom door so we could still see if addy was okay. I laid back down next to Betty and we turned on the hot water again. I couldn't help myself and kept looking at Betty's beautiful

body, I got excited again and she noticed. She went closer to my ear an whispered

B-just the two of us now. And she slowly started using her hands to please me (okay y'all, I'm not writing what happens next lol)

À few minutes later

I came on bettys hand and, we decided to get out when the water started getting cold. Only then I realized how long we had been in there, and the whole time addy was asleep.

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