Part 13

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I carefully took her hand and walked her out of the classroom, as soon as I closed the door behind us she fell in my arms

J- Betty what's going on? She looked at me, in her eyes I could see she was desperate. J- it's okay. I said and I pulled her closer to me. She slowly started to calm down. After a while she was breathing normally again but she was still in tears. J- Betty do you want to tell me what's wrong? B- it's nothing. She cried, we walked to the blue and gold and sat down. She snuggled

close to me and laid her head on my chest. After a while she started talking B- j-jug I'm scared of my dad. J- why? B- I-I'm afraid he's gone hurt me, that time I fell down the stairs I-it was because he p-pushed me. J- what!? Betty you can't stay with him! He's dangerous! B- h-he was drunk normally he doesn't do that kind of stuff. I held my hand on her shoulder, after a while she wrapped her arm around me and laid her leg on top of mine. I hugged her closer and kissed her head. As soon as I did I immediately regretted it, but she looked up at me and smiled and burried her face in my sweater. We talked for a while and then she fell asleep in my arms, it was the cutest thing ever.

She was sleeping in my arms for a while until our teacher walked in T- hey jughead, is she okay? J- I don't know I feel like something is

wrong with her parents. Then I realized she probably didn't want me to talk about that to a teacher. T- like what? He said concerned J- I don't know, maybe her parents are a little overprotective, or maybe she has a lot of stress. T- if you want to you can stay here with her for a while, I'll tell your other teachers J- that would be great, thanks T- no problem, take care. He walked out again.


I woke up and at first I was confused where I was, then I realized I was laying in jugheads arms. He had fallen asleep too, after a few minutes he started waking up

B- hey jug J- het Betts, how are you feeling B- I'm fine, as long as I'm with you I'll be fine. He smiled slightly J- I'll stay here with you as long as you want. After a few minutes of silence I started talking.

B- jug? J- yea? B- that time, when you kissed me I- he cut me of J- Betty it's okay if you didn't like it, I didn't want to force you to kiss me. B- wait jug, I thought you didn't like it? J- what? Ofcourse I liked it, why else would I kiss you? B- I don't know, I thought it was a mistake. J- kissing you will never be a mistake. He leaned in, I kissed him. After a few seconds we pulled away and I snuggled up to him again. 

J- Betty? B- yea? J- do you want to come to my

place after school? We could watch a movie and my sister has been asking when you're coming  again B- yea sure. I was happy, he made me happy.

When we were walking to his place he started talking J- betts? B- yea Juggie? J- juggie? He laughed B- yes, it sounds cute. I said and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, he blushed J- Betty, I wanted to ask you something. B- what? Is something wrong? He got even more red J- no it's just I wanted to ask you if you would maybe if you want to, but only if you want to- B- juggie just tell me what you want to say. J- would you be my girlfriend? I was I shock, I glared over at him he was being serious. B- ofcourse! I kissed him passionately. We started making out, but

after a minute someone yelled ??- get a room you two! We laughed and jug wrapped his arm around me and we kept walking.

When we got to his place he rang the doorbell and his dad opened FP- hey, you're Betty right? B- uhm yea. FP- I heard a lot about you. I looked at jug, he was blushing J- uhm dad I need to tell you something. Well we need to tell you something FP- what's going on? Jug glared over to me with a questioning look, I nodded. J well dad,

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