Part 12

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One week later


I hadn't talked to jughead much, he was avoiding me and I was avoiding him. I was sitting alone at lunch and they where picking at me again. I missed talking to jughead, he was always so nice. I still really liked him but if he liked me back he would probably have told me already. Tomorrow we had to hand in our money for the trip but I still wasn't sure if I wanted to go, my parents gave me the money already but I could also just go to a place and be in my own with it. Our teacher gave us some more information about it, we are going to some cabins in the woods, there's no internet

connection. No one was happy about that. A few days ago we had to write down who we wanted to stay in a cabin with, at first I just wanted to hand in a blank paper but I wrote down jughead just to be with someone I at least know.

After school I wanted to just go home and think about if I would go or not, when jughead came up to me J- hey Betty B- oh uhm hey jughead J- are you going on the trip? I didn't know what to tell him. I could say that I wouldn't go because I knew he would ask why and I didn't want to tell him my plans B- yea I'm going J- okay then I will too. Shit... now I have to go. B- okay J- Betty, I wrote down your name to be in a cabin with, I hope that's okay? It made me happy that he wanted to be in a cabin with me. B- yea ofcourse, I wrote down you name too actually. He smiled J-okay.


I missed sitting with Betty during lunch break, she's so much fun to talk to. Every time i see her I regret kissing her even more, if I didn't kiss her maybe she at least would be my friend. Tomorrow we have to hand in the money for our school trip, I asked Betty and she's coming to the trip.

The next day


Since the day my dad pushed me down the stairs he didn't do much, maybe he finally felt a

little sorry. Today we have to hand in the money and since I told jug I would come I kinda have to go. I've been thinking that I should maybe go talk to jughead, maybe it wasn't a mistake he kissed me? Or did I kiss him? I'm not sure anymore I was too caught up in the moment. Maybe I forced him to kiss me? Maybe that's the reason he doesn't want to talk to me? I had so many questions I knew I couldn't answer myself. I had to talk to him if I wanted to know, but how? We hadn't really talked much in a while, so it would be a little weird even though we're probably in a cabin so maybe I can talk to him then.

After a lot of thinking I decided to go downstairs and have breakfast, when I came down I saw my dad sitting at the kitchen table. I wanted to go straight to school and just not have breakfast to avoid him but he already saw me.

H- Betty come here. B- okay dad. I walked over to him, I was scared but I tried to hide it. H- Betty sit down. I followed his instructions. H- you are going on that school trip, and your not going to call me nor your mom, understood? B- but dad, why- H- I SAID UNDERSTOOD? He walked to the kitchen counter and grabbed a knife H- don't think I won't do it JUST BEHAVE B- Y-y-yes d-dad. He had never threatened me before. He slowly started walking in my direction and held the knife against my throat, I felt the sharp blade of the knife softly pressing my skin, I felt a tear slowly roll down my face.

B- please dad, please don't kill me H- I'm not going to but if you don't listen to me from now on I will BELIEVE ME I WILL. a few more tears rolled down H- STOP CRYING. I felt the blade of the knife pressing against my skin a little

harder. B- yes dad H- NOW LEAVE! He slowly let the knife down and I quickly walked out the door and ran to school.

When I got to school I was still really in shock from my dad threatening me, I saw jughead and blindly walked up to him

J- hey Betty, are you okay? B-y-yea I'm fine I-I just d-didn't want t-to stand alone. He smiled J- I'm happy your standing with me again B- me too. I smiled back at him. I was still shaking al over my body but I was trying to hide it, jughead and I awkwardly sat next to each-other until the bell rang. I tried to quickly get up but since I didn't eat at all today and I was still kinda in shock I had to sit back down J- are you okay? B- yea I'm fine. I carefully stood up and we walked to our classroom.

The teacher had been talking for almost half an hour and I didn't hear anything he said. I was still shaking and trying to control myself.

T(teacher)- Betty what is the answer on question 5? B- uhm uhm. My mind blocked, I felt everyone staring at me and my breathing quickened. I tried to control myself but I couldn't T- Betty, it's not that hard what's the answer? Everyone was still staring at me and jughead who sat next to me softly whispered J- betts are you ok? I shaked my head, tears started running down my face. T- Betty what's wrong? It's just a simple question? J- sir is it ok if I take her outside so she can calm down? T- yea sure jughead, who knows the answer to question 5?

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