Part 2

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I saw one of those serpents pointing at me, I try to ignore them but they scare me. What if they hurt me? Suddenly I heard one of the say J- that's Betty she doesn't care if she gets bullied she'll just ignore you, and by the way she is kinda nice. It made me feel better. When the rest of the serpents left I walked up to him B- hi.... J-hi? B- I I I just w-wanted to say t-t-thanks J-for what? B-not bullying me... J- oh uhh no problem I guess.. he smiled at me and said J- i have to go get my books now, but ill see you in class B- okay, bye. I felt stupid, who thanks someone for not bullying them? Im weird and no one cares about me.

After class I went to my locker, I opened the door and my book in my locker was wet, how can that happen? I looked around and saw a few serpents laughing. Shit... B- my dad will kill me... I whispered J- hey, everything okay Betty? He suddenly stood behind me B- yea I'm fine. I said and ran off, I walked outside and tried to dry my book if my dad sees this he will definitely hit me again. After a while my book looked normal again and I went home as quick as possible. H (hall cooper)- BETTY COME TO THE LIVING ROOM! B- yes dad. I walked over and already knew something bad was about to happen. H- you're late Betty where were you!? B- I was at school I had to uhh ask some homework questions... H- you think I believe that!? B- please dad you have to believe me really! I said, I felt a tear running down my cheek. H- Betty stop lying right now I'm so sick of you and your stupid lies! He yelled and hit me again, I had tears in my eyes and ran upstairs, B- what if I get a bruise? They'll notice in PE class... I said down at my desk and tried to focus on my homework...


When I came home I saw jelly sitting at the kitchen table, she was silently crying, I walked over to her and asked J- jelly, what's wrong are you okay? I pulled her into a hug Je(jellybean)- Jug, mom wants to take me but I don't want to leave! She said sobbing
J- wait jelly, slow down what do you mean? Why would mom take you!? Than our dad walked in. FP- son, I need to talk to you. J-what's going on dad? FP- just follow me. We walked into the living room. FP- jug, I'm divorcing your mom.... J- wait really? That's great news! where is mom now? Jellybean walked in Je- she ran away, I'm scared she'll come back and take me away jug... J- I'll protect you jelly, I can't loose you. Okay? Je- thanks jug. I pulled her into a hug again and dad hugged both of us FP- it's all gonna be alright. Je- jug? J-yeah? Je- are you scared of mom? Because I am, I'm afraid that if she takes me she'll hurt me again FP- wait! Hurt you again? She hurt you? She started crying, I hugged her tight J- jelly, you have to tell us, did she do anything to you? She pulled up her sleeve and revealed a bruise J- she did that to you jelly? She nodded and started crying even more Je-I'm scared jug J- I'll protect you I promise. I gave her a kiss on, dad wanted to go make dinner we heard someone scream ??- ARE YOU CRAZY?

J- mom? Je- m-mom h-h-hey G(Gladys)- JELLYBEAN YOU'RE COMING WITH ME NOW! I tightly held on to jelly's shoulders J- she isn't going anywhere! Fp- Gladys leave! We're over and I'm taking the kids you can't even take care of them especially after what you did to jelly! You're an annoying drunk! Mom started to yell at dad, FP- *whispers* kids go upstairs, I'll take care of this. Jug take care of jelly. J- *whispers* okay dad. I took jellybean upstairs with me. Je- jug? J-yes? Je- can I stay in your room tonight? I'm scared... J-of course, come here. I hugged jelly and laid her down in my bed, I went to get my school stuff for tomorrow ready and laid down in bed, we heard mom and dad yell and scream from downstairs, I tried to comfort jelly a bit and after a while she fell asleep.

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