It Goes Wrong

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It was all going great until I got attacked by a dead guy.

As bus 324 stutters to a halt I peer out the window. The same ugly orange and neon green colors of JG High School glare at me. Banners drape every inch of the ugly brick building. They seem to all beg for my attention, screaming "Last Day!" "See Ya Next Year!" "Bye Seniors!".

God our school has an awful color scheme. Natalie Yule is in charge of the SCA and does her best to decorate, but there's nothing, and I mean nothing that can make orange and neon green work. You can tell that she's trying though, the colors are more muted and words try to cover them up.

"Isla." The coarse yet high voice of Mr. Geralt comes to me suddenly. I shiver out of my daze, realizing the bus is empty. I stand up, too quickly. "Um, thanks Mr. G....I guess I got distracted." Mr. G? Who's ever called him that?

I hurry out of the bus, painfully aware of Mr. Geralt's eyes on my back. He is seriously creepy... that or I'm just weird.

Shifting in and out of the throng, I slowly make my make towards the staircase. My eyes focused on the tiled floor. I am now entering the freshman hallway. Full of annoying newbies, eager to bother passing upperclassman.

Their lockers are decorated with stickers, notes from friends, and the ocasional SCA propaganda. But I don't like those ones. I like the ones that are bare, no friends, no festivities. Just plain grey containment.

I hear hecklers laughing as the older students head pass them,"Oooooh! Señores!" "Lookin purdy!" Bye assholes!"

Thankfully they mostly just make fun of the Seniors, though of course, they take no notice. They just strut by rolling there eyes and dramatically conversing to one another. "Oh poor souls" "Ah to be young again" and the occasional "I'm gonna beat the shit outa these little brats!"

Finally the stairwell approaches.
Right left right left
Step by step I ascend the stairs, the buzz of conversation loud and eternal.

By the time I reach my floor I'm wheezing as bad as the bus. Man I really need to start working out again. Maybe I'll go on a run after school.
I hate running
But I need to be fit
But running sucks
And Netflix exists
Soo I'm not gonna do it

Ah, procrastination, you save me every time.

Out of habit I stop, right in front of locker 5052. It's plain. No sticky notes with love from friends, no stickers to brighten the dismal grey. Not even a cheesy "Last day of school" poster dares violate my locker's bland existence.

Within seconds my locker is open, 10-45-19. Every day, four times, I unlock this box of misery, fishing for my materials in the unorganized abyss.

The locker besides mine slams shut, making me jump. Locker 5053 belongs to Forrest, the dumb douche.

At the beginning of the year Ava Tam offered me $50 to trade lockers, and Jaxson, his one true bromance offered me a date with his brother.

His brother is three years younger than me.

Obviously I didn't trade, but not because I want to be next to him. I mean, I can see why people like him, Curly black hair, tanned skin, jock physique, and green eyes. Yes his eyes aren't brown. That's just the way it works.

He is truly annoying, he's always talking and acts like an ass around people he isn't attracted to. Last year I sat next to him in Chem and he never said a word to me all year, except for the first day.

He had been talking to Hailey, the platinum blond athlete, and I wasn't sure if my seat was next to his.
So of course I asked him.

"Hey is this my seat?" I tapped him on the shoulder.

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