What the hell?

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I stare at Forrest, open mouthed. I'm sure, that if I looked in a mirror I would see one of the desperate girls that constantly crowd him. "You know what that was? You saw it too? What-what's happening?"

He rolls his eyes and takes another glance down the hall "Izzy we need to move, unless, of course, you want to get accused of murder." He smiles unkindly. "If that's what you want I'll be happy to leave and act like I never saw this."

Izzy? Is he serious? People always say my name wrong. It's not Isle, it's not Is-la, and it isn't Izzy. It's pronounced Eye-La!

Wow. I just killed a bus driver and I'm mad about how people say my name? What the hell is wrong with me?

Well I did just commit murder.

I take a step forward in the direction of Mr. Geralt and cringe, he's so bloody... I did this to him. I killed him. But he was a monster, he was dead.
Dead people don't bleed like that.

No. I know what I saw. I was defending myself. Screw common sense! The bastard tried to kill me! Feeling a surge of reckless abandon I rush forward and rip the knife from his neck. The blood only flows stronger now, the a color a dark crimson.

I flinch away from the body and hasten towards Forrest, who's tapping his foot impatiently.

"What happened? Why did he attack me?" I ask, trying to keep the panic from my voice

"We don't have time right now. We really need to go."

I clench my jaw "I'm not leaving till I get an explanation. You know what that was. And what did you call me? A demidog?"

"You don't understand." He says darkly "I promise I'll explain everything when we're safe. But if we don't go we are going to die and I'm not gonna die because of some demigod. Ok?"

I have to know, and not dying is good right?

"Fine. What now?" I ask, my breath uneven.

"Now," He says eyeing the stairwell, "We leave."

I nod and begin walking to the stairwell but Forrest grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Something's coming that way. It will attack just like the other one." He closes his eyes and exhales slowly. "Dammit Izzy."

I turn and meet his eyes, glaring "Excuse you? I just got attacked by a zombie! And YOU want to be upset?! Ohhhh nooooo! Back off asshole." I shove his arm off and re-enter the classroom.

"I am going to save your life demigod. I would be a bit more grateful if I were you." Forrest growls, his green eyes narrowed.

"Thank you." I say with every bit of sarcasm in my veins.

He clenches his fist "We can't waste time bantering we need to leave."

He's right, if I stay here too long I'm gonna get arrested. Him too technically. Fine. But I ain't taking no shit.

"You're right, but first of all, my name isn't Izzy, it's Isla." I say, meeting his gaze. "And secondly, if we can't take the stairs, how do we get out?"

"The window."

I almost laugh, until I realize he's serious. "We're a story up, how do we not break our legs?"

He sighs "A story isn't that bad just roll when you hit the ground." With that he sprints at the window and, with a single kick, he breaks the glass. He turns one last time, giving me one last scowl, then jumps.

Ummm. Ok I can do this. I will do this.

I begin walking and quickly reach the window, I'm about to jump, when I get an inspiration. I run over to Mr. Geralt and, trying to ignore the blood still oozing from his neck, I kneel over him.

I rummage through his jacket until I find what I'm looking for, then I sprint to the window and jump.

I only fall for a second, then my feet touch the ground, and I roll. I actually roll right into Forrest. He backs away, throwing me a disgusted look.

I'm about to send him a glare, when I  realize that I'm am now soaked with blood. I must have been so focused on Geralt bleeding that I hadn't even noticed.

"Took you long enough." He looks around the lot, eyes flitting from one car to the next. "I don't know how to hot wire a car but maybe-"

"How about a bus?" I interject holding up the keys I snatched from Geralt.

Forrest raises one black brow, "Not very conspicuous, but that works."

I have to resist the urge to smile "The bus is usually parked near the U-turn." I say, pointing to the left of the lot.

Forrest nods and then begins sprinting in the direction I pointed. After a moments hesitation, I follow.

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