I almost die

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Most heroines don't scream when they first meet a monster. I do.

My whole body trembles as a look upon the ghostly white figure before me. This can't be real. Monsters aren't real. But he's standing right in front of you.

Mr. Geralt's mouth opens revealing black teeth and ripped lips.

"You will die filth, just as this mortal did. Painfully." The smile seems to only grow, stretching across its face. "This body died in its backyard pond. Drowning, such a violent way to die."

"Wh-what are you?" I stammer backing away from the creature.

"I am beyond your comprehension, young filth."

I clench my teeth, breathe. "What do you want?"

The monster smiles "I want you to die of course." With lightning speed and impossible strength it grabs a desk and throws it at me.

It hits me hard in the ribs, knocking me back against the wall. Falling hard on the floor I gasp, trying to regain my breath.

"Pity you're so weak. I hear you're supposed to be powerful. Oh well, killing you will still be fun."

I see his feet advancing toward me from my place on the floor. My heart is racing and my hair is plastered against my face.

My backpack. Hurriedly I remember and rip it off my shoulder frantically unzipping it and looking for-

Suddenly I feel myself being jerked up. Geralt has reached me and pulls me off the ground, slamming me against the wall. I let out a groan of pain.

Geralt smiles, his hands tightening on my neck.

"Too easy little demigod. Next time, try fighting."

It's only now that I notice that the voice is slightly feminine and that his eyes now have a circulating golden glow. 

The edge of my vision becomes blurry, white spots begin to plague my sight. I let out a strangled gasp. The cold, wet fingers tighten mercilessly.

"Enjoy your easy death." The voice is now nothing more than a ringing in my ears. She/it leans closer and licks its bloody lips "Pathetic."

Now! I pull out my knife and jam it in its neck. As it screams I kick the monster back and fall hard on the ground. I turn over on my back and begin greedily gulping in air.

Wheezing I look over to where Geralt lay unmoving. Wait..

His body was no longer wet, his eyes no longer white, his skin now normal, his neck is now bleeding. I just killed someone. Was I hallucinating?

"Until next time demigod."  I flinch, the voice echos across the room.

Frantically I stand up looking around, my whole body shakes.

"No. It can't be. You're not supposed to be here." I turn, shocked to see Forrest standing in the doorway.

"I didn't kill him. He attacked me! He.. he turned into some sort of monster!" My voice shakes as I choke out he words.

Forrest's eyes narrow and he straightens, all signs of his panic gone. "I know. You're a demigod." He glances down the hall and then back at me "We need to leave. Grab your knife and follow me."

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