Bye home

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"We're here." Forrest announces in bored voice.

I take a deep breath. Last time. I get up from my seat in the back and walk forward to the door. "Aren't you coming?" I ask turning to him as my feet hit the ground.

"Do you need me to come?" He asks looking annoyed.

"Fine. Whatever."

I begin walking up my driveway, my eyes moving from one pothole to the next. I take in the green grass that lines the lawn, the only pretty thing about the house. I look the scrawny excuse for a tree, that once filled my days with adventure.

I might actually miss this place. Can I really just leave it? Grab my belongings and run? Where will I even go? This place has always been my home.

I look over to the window that I would always glance through, and....Oh no. Not now.

My father's black lexis is parked in the driveway, the door ajar.

I feel my breath quickening. The world
warps. I need to get out of here. I need to run. I sprint back to the bus, my whole body shaking.

Forrest looks up from a 2003 "Woman's World" magazine. "Uh you're supposed to change."

I shake my head.

"What?" He puts down the magazine, giving me his full attention.

"M-my dad...h-he's home." I stutter, trying to control my breath

He gives me a questioning look "It's fine Iz" He sees my look "oh Isla. I'll just use the mist to cover the blood, your dad won't see anything."

He steps down from the bus and put a hand in my should. I flinch, my breathing getting heavier.

Suddenly I feel like a blanket has been laid on me. I look down to see that all the blood had disappeared.

I gasp "How did you-?"

He smiles "I'm a wizard."

"What? Really? What else can you-"

"Not really." His grin grows wider as he sees my disappointment. "Nah, there's a magical force that hides all weird and mythical beings from discovery. If you know how to you can use it to make things easier for mortals to understand."

I pause "I think I prefer the wizard explanation."

He laughs "Hey I got you to stop hyperventilating."

I freeze, remembering what awaits me at the house.

"Maybe you should just use your magic, we don't need to go to the house."

He narrows his eyes "Do you need me to come with you?"

"Of course not."

"I'm coming, let's go."

I don't want to go. I'm not gonna. But I can't back out in front of him, I already embarrassed myself by wheezing like a asthmatic donkey. I can't seem weak or scared, not like this.

I have to seem brave. There's no alternative.

I begin toward the house.

I don't need his help, but I let him follow me up the driveway, past the car, and through the open door.

Forrest tenses the moment he crosses the threshold. Shoulders squared, his head swivels, looking around. The house is cold and dark. I jump as a mouse scampers out from under the table.

"Wait here." I say taking slow steps into the hallway. He seems to be about to object but I hold my hand up.

When I make it to my room I sigh. This has always been my safe place, no one can touch me here. I grab my big backpack and begin stuffing it with clothes, my phone, my wallet, my rock, and any other invaluable objects I can't part with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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