Banana Bus of Sadness

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I let Forrest drive, since he looks older. Plus he has a fake bus ID. I wasn't really in the mood to ask why though.

He decided to drive our yellow banana of escape to my house so I can grab what I need. Or as he puts it "You'll never be coming back anyway, plus you look like a psychopathic serial killer." He didn't really explain much else.

After I gave him my house's address he began pointedly ignoring me, turning his attention to the road.

Of course I tried to ask him questions, but when I wouldn't go away he turned on the radio to full volume and stepped on the breaks. At the time I had been standing, so I flew against the dashboard, hitting my shoulder hard.

After that I decided that I would be best served sitting in a seat. I settled into seat 19, which was my usual, unless I was late and had to take seat 1.

Plopping my self into a laying position on the seat, I stretch my legs across the isle. I study the roof. Plastic white with various stickers scattered across. Some words, pictures, school symbols, a bible verse, and even an Illuminati one. I focus on the same sticker that I always do. It's a quote. Why do I like it? I don't know. It has just always stuck with me.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

The quote goes on, but I always stop there. It's the part that seems to call to me. The one that I hear at school and at home.

I've always felt like an imposter, someone wearing a mask she can't quite fit. A wolf in sheep's clothing.

I remember one time, in elementary school, when I'd met this new girl at the playground.

I had been standing alone at the rim of the mulch liner, trying to make myself ask Ashley Robinson if I could play house with her and her group.

I was about to walk away when, a slim figure approached me. I remember her bony physique and too tight pony tails. How I could almost see her ribs from underneath her shirt.

She had smiled a gaunt grin and asked "Where are your friends?"

I had only looked to the ground and whispered "I don't have any."

The girls grin had only gotten brighter "Why?"

"Because they don't like me."


At this point I was quite annoyed with the little twig so I replied "Where are your friends?"

"I don't have any."

I smiled slyly repeating her words yet again "Why?"

"Same as you."

My smile faltered, but I continued "Why?"

This time, when she smiled her teeth were as sharp as knives. "Because I'm a monster."

I had screamed and run to the teachers, frantically begging them to save me. I pointed at the place we had been talking, but there was no one there.

The teacher had laughed at my funny little joke. But I didn't. I knew she was real.

Over the years I began to believe that I had just imagined it, just like the one eyed cafeteria worker and the snake tailed mailman. But now, after Mr. Geralt, I knew these were no fantasies. These were all real.

Real things only I can see. Ok Forrest can too. But he always fit in, I on the other hand...

I suddenly realize two things. One; that I'm probably never going back to that school or even my home. And two; I don't care, I feel liberated. I haven't ever loved living here but, until now, I never knew how much I hated it.

I'm almost tempted to tell Forrest to forget my house. Maybe we should just leave everything. But no. I have to go there, one last time.

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