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Meeting at the BAU for lunch dates with Spencer became a daily thing (save for the days that they were out on cases) and the team seemed to warm up to me quickly. I could tell that most of them were still cautious about me and my intentions, but they never treated me with anything other than kindness.

Spencer and I still hadn't 'defined the relationship' and I felt like it sounded kind of ridiculous to ask.

One day at lunch, I finally got fed up with the uncertainty and blurted out, "What are we?"

He looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?"

I hesitated, trying to think about the best way to word my next sentence, "I just mean-," I stopped short.

I was right, this is embarrassing.

"Are we together or is this just a casual thing?" I asked, using a to motion between us.

He paused for a moment and blinked once, twice. My heartbeat sped up, suddenly anxious by his silence.

"Well I assumed we were together. The team knows about you, we've been on multiple dates," he explained.

I felt my cheeks heat up, "Oh."

He breathed a laugh, "Maybe I should've been more clear about that."

I grinned back, "Maybe."

This was moving fast. I knew it, he knew it, our friends knew it, but everything just felt right. I couldn't explain it, but being with Spencer felt natural, like it was 'meant to be'.

That sounds ridiculous.

I might be romanticizing everything in my head, but maybe I'm not.

I stopped daydreaming when Spencer stood up from the table and reached a hand out toward me, "Come on, lunch break is almost over."

I stood and took his hand, interlocking our fingers as we walked out of the restaurant. When we got outside I shivered at the cold autumn air. The weather was nice before we left work, cool but not cold enough for a jacket and sunny. Obviously that changed in the short amount of time we were at lunch.

Spencer noticed the shiver and started to pull off his cardigan, stopping briefly to unhook the watch he had over the sleeve (I really needed to ask him about that).

"You don't have to do that," I said as he draped the cardigan over my shoulders.

He shrugged, "It's a short walk and I'm wearing long sleeves."

I stuck my arms through the sleeves and pulled the fabric closer to my chest for warmth, "Thank you."

He dropped a kiss on the crown of my head and liked our fingers together again. I smiled softly while huddling closer to him for warmth.

We got back to work quickly, but I wasn't ready to say goodbye yet.

I tilted my head up to look at him while we waited for the elevator, "Hey, would you want to come over tonight for a movie marathon?"

"What movies?" He asked.

"My friend gifted me a Harry Potter box set," I suggested.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Aren't there 8 movies?"

I shrugged with a half smile, "Yeah, but we could extend it into the weekend."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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