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It had been about a week since Spencer and I had been locked in the elevator together and I was itching for another chance to talk to him.

I hadn't seen him around the building, but I assumed that was because he was out on a case. Frequently, the BAU would receive requests from state departments that were in over their heads and needed some help.

I stepped out of my car and straightened out my black dress pants and pulled on my cardigan before leaning back into the car to grab my bag from the passenger seat.

"Hey, Elizabeth!"

I tried to stand up too quickly and slammed my head into the roof of my car. I winced and backed out of the car, bag in hand, while rubbing the spot of impact.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you."

I turned to look at the person that called me and came face to face with Spencer Reid.

Spencer smiled sheepishly at me, "How's your head?"

I closed my car door and clicked the lock, "I think I'll survive."

He chuckled, "Well if you start to feel dizzy or nauseous, come find me."

"Let me guess, the first check up is free?" I teased.

He laughed freely, in a way that made me forget that he was constantly surrounded by death and pain and gore.

I loved the sound of his laugh and I hoped I'd have more chances to hear it.

It was nice to see him happy and unburdened by the stresses of his job.

We started to walk toward the building. Spencer had long legs and normally walked quickly, but he slowed down to accommodate me while I walked in my heels. I was still adjusting to them and couldn't quite keep the speed I normally did when wearing flat shoes.

"Were you guys working a case last week? I didn't see you around," I glanced sideways at him.

"Actually, yes. Ritualistic killings with a cannibalistic element in a small town in rural Texas. We caught the killer, but he didn't make it easy for us," he explained.

I wanted to hear more, I was genuinely interested in his work and I loved the soothing sound of his voice when he told a story, but I didn't want to ruin the nice conversation we were having by weighing it down with the details of a serial killer's preferences.

When we approached the door I swiped my security badge, but Spencer sidestepped and held the door open for me.

What a gentleman.


As we stepped into the lobby together, I commented, "Well I'm glad you caught him and made it home safe."

We walked into the lobby together and ran into Penelope. She was just as bright and perky as she was the first time we met, wearing another colorful outfit with an abundance of cute accessories. She clutched a cute, unicorn coffee mug in one hand and a cellphone in the other. She walked quickly, unfazed by her own pair of high heels, but stopped short when she noticed Spencer and I.

"Elizabeth, hi! It's nice to see you again!" She smiled brightly, leaning in for a quick hug.

I was caught off guard, but hugged her back anyway with a smile, "It's nice to see you too, Penelope."

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