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Doctor Spencer Reid

I had seen him a handful of times in the lobby or when I passed through the office where the BAU was, but I was never formally introduced. He had passed by me a handful of times, though oftentimes he was oblivious to his surroundings because he was focused on getting to his floor and starting his work day. I had only been here a few years but I noticed him right away. How could I not? He was tall and lanky, but he was so handsome. The sharp angles of his cheekbones and jawline, his dark brown eyes, the chocolate curls he let grow out often. I may have noticed him, but he had never noticed me.

Until now.

I was standing in the elevator with the requested files of my supervisor. She had recently promoted me from HR representative to HR administrator, it didn't sound like much of a step up but for me it was. With the new title came a pay raise, a longer list of responsibilities, and more rules. As a representative I was able to hide behind the desk all day and wear more casual clothes, but as an administrator I took on a more 'supervisor-esque' role and I needed to look the part. I smoothed down my new pencil skirt, glancing nervously at my much-too-high heels.

The doors were nearly closed when I heard a voice call, "Hold the door, please!"

I slipped my hand between the closing doors, preventing the elevator from closing. And that's when he walked in. Talk and handsome with a charming smile on his face, "Thank you."

I felt my heartbeat pick up at the sight of his smile and I couldn't help but smile back, "You're welcome."

The elevator closed, locking me in with the man I'd secretly been crushing on for the past few years but never had the nerve to talk to.

I shifted my weight uncomfortably, partially due to the fact that I wasn't used to the pressure on my feet from the heels and partially because I wanted to fill the silence between us but I wasn't sure how to. It wasn't an awkward silence, but I wanted a chance to get to know him. I did have a crush on him after all (an embarrassing, high school like crush).

Luckily it seemed fate was on my side today because the elevator stopped suddenly, stalled between one floor and the next. I reached out to grip handrail as we came to a halt. I glanced over at Spencer and saw him gripping the rail, white knuckling the metal.

"Not a fan of elevators?" I asked, humor evident in my voice as I released the handrail.

He chuckled nervously, "Let's just say that the last time I was in a stalled elevator it wasn't a particularly fun experience."

"The last time? Do you make it a habit to ride on faulty elevators, Spencer?" I asked jokingly.

Ignoring my question completely, his eyebrows pulled together in a silent question.

I quickly realized my faux pas: he had never formally introduced himself and I talked to him like I knew him for longer than I actually had, "I'm so sorry, that probably seemed weird. You haven't even introduced yourself to me but I already know your name, that must make me look like a crazy stalker or something. I've just seen you around the building and I've seen some of your press interviews on local and national cases."

A look of recognition crossed his face as he listened to my word vomit. Without skipping a beat, he responded, "Sometimes I forget how publicized the BAU can be. You mentioned already knowing who I was, but the polite thing to do would be to introduce myself properly, face to face. I'm Dr. Spencer Reid."

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