- Ch. 7 -

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The initial rocky jolt as the boat hit the shore was at the very least satisfying. He'd finally step foot on Linnormr after about a week of travel and another of planning and research. He had wasted enough time barely thinking about his plans, and he didn't even think he'd even get close to the island; Minho had thought that he'd die because of some dumb snake bite or by bandits on the way over. Thank the Gods that his voyage went by smoothly.

But this is where the real challenge should begin. Maybe finding a dragon wasn't the hardest thing to pull off, but instead traversing through the island safely without giants having him for dinner.

And as he stared out to the forest ahead of him, he had doubts. Was this the right thing to do? Was that seadog right? Were his friends and family right? Was everyone who knew of his plans—were they right?

Was this just a fool's errand?

At least, if he was to die, Soonie could run away and live as some sort of wildcat. He knew in his mind Soonie could pull it off. She was stronger than him.

Though before they could run into wolves or trolls or a Leshy, there was the initial problem with food. Last Minho checked, there was no tavern to eat at in Linnormr, nor did he want Soonie to eat him; he had to hunt something, especially before sundown. He and Soonie couldn't search just yet, as they needed to set up camp for the night.

Luckily, they found an empty glade in the forest, the sky above finally visible since Minho first entered the woods. Though, Minho never exactly hunted before. He took care of animals—was this going against what he stood for?? He wasn't exactly a vegetarian or anything of the sort, but at least he didn't have to kill his own lunch.

He left Soonie at their camp, hoping that the cat could hunt a bird down or something (though knowing her, she'd probably just lay by the campfire). Minho went off toward the shore, hoping that there were crabs or a rabbit he could come across.

There was nothing. He hoped Soonie had a better hunt than him.

Though when he had returned, the marmalade cat was nowhere to be found. Not on the ground, not in a bush, or a tree trunk, a rock. Instead, she was up on a tree, crouched low and staring wide-eyed at Minho—she was stuck, wasn't she?

"Soonie! Come down! Come on!" Minho held up his arms so the cat could have a safer journey down. She must've gotten herself stuck after chasing something—maybe food?

Though Soonie didn't come down, and Minho wasn't too keen on using his magic on the marmalade cat. Last time he did, Soonie had avoided him for days, and maybe even scratched him. This was just one problem after another, but then again, this wouldn't have happened if Minho planned his trip a lot more thoroughly.

"Soonie, I have food! Come down! You can have it if you want—" Soonie perks up and as Minho held up his arms, thinking she'd come down, she only hissed and flattened her ears. "Soonie Lee, what has gotten into you?"

Soonie yowled, and as Minho glances around, something hit his head. 


When Minho came to, he didn't see the grassy green of the glade, or the sun shining on his face, or the trees above greeting him. Not the birds or the peaceful sounds of the forest. Not even Soonie cuddling up to him when he slept.

Instead, he stared at... a back—someone's back—no, a creature's back. Dead, gray skin, scratched and bruised with a few mushrooms and twine growing out of some parts of it.

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