- Ch. 2 -

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The party was nothing short of lavish and prospering enjoyment, the gentry (including Minho himself) indulging in the celebration between the harsh summer months and the busy days.

Minho had always accessed the castle, however, seeing it decorated in flowers and lit up by sparkling lights; he's never seen this part of the capital so alive before. Though maybe that was through his own faults for avoiding these parties, anyway. There were fountains of ale, an endless supply of food, and commodities laid out for the guests as they talked with one another; lords and ladies, and a few classes below rich enough to afford to enter clad in their best outfits.

There were not just humans too, but also the elves, dwarfs, orcs, lizardfolk, and everything in between attended under a similar peace between each faction. There was no fighting tonight, just a celebration for the prince's birthday.

However, Minho could still recognize the tension between each kingdom whenever they glance at each other: the disgust in the elves as orcs or lizardfolk walk by, or the dwarves' scoffs at the humans, the lizard folks' borderline hiss at the orcs, and the orcs silent threats toward the elves. Minho knew that if half of them weren't already drunk off their asses, there would've been a war inside the Great Hall.

But in the humans' territory, they had to abide by the humans' laws. For now, there was peace, though laughably forced. It was almost hilarious to see the orcs, the elves, the dwarves and the lizardfolk force a positive reaction at each other's jokes and pointless chatter.

"Yah. I didn't expect you to attend." Minho perks up at a familiar rough voice, glancing back to see a buff man in a black and red doublet, silver hair brushed back and styled from his eyes. "I thought it'd be another year of me trying to entertain myself, trying to keep up your image since you don't do it yourself."

"My parents wanted me to go." Minho sighs, gesturing to Changbin. "I'm surprised you aren't passed-out drunk in a ditch somewhere. That's not exactly helping me keep up my image."

"Not yet. Not today." Changbin laughs, a wide smile spreading on his face. He glances around the party, grabbing a glass of liquor from the table before wrapping an arm around Minho's shoulder. The sorcerer automatically lends an ear to the younger, for he knew that smile all too well: Changbin had news to tell him, this eavesdropping bastard.

Though he takes a sip of his drink first, sighing and nodding at the taste before ushering Minho closer.

"I heard, from a little bird flying around the hall, that they're going to announce the one who's hosting the Harvest Festival this year." Minho arched an eyebrow, whipping his head toward the shorter. "Tonight."

"Why tonight? The festival isn't until autumn."

"I don't know." Changbin shrugs, leading them away from the table and sauntering down the hall, avoiding a few wandering ears. "I just know that this year's festival might be the biggest one ever. Don't you think I'll get it?"

The younger was all for the lavish and the rich entertainment of parties. Unlike the Lees, the Seos dealt more with trade, bringing a large sum of commerce into The Capital. And unlike Minho, Changbin had an enormous interest in his natural craft, already making ways to take over the family business. But in no way was Seo Changbin capable of hosting a festival considered being the biggest holiday of the year. He wasn't trying to downplay the younger's talents; Changbin was definitely talented. But the prince choosing Changbin as the year's host? Please don't make Minho laugh. If anything, Changbin would host a great drunk feast at the local tavern, not a sophisticated festival that the entire kingdom celebrated.

But Minho digresses, the prince announcing this year's festival host, is definitely unexpected. This early in the year, during his birthday, no less. But then again, this was just a rumor after all. Either everyone went home disappointed or drunk (the more Minho thought about it, that should be a normal occurrence). Though no one exactly knew why the prince would choose someone this early in the year.

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