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  Much to (Name)'s dismay, the rest of winter break went by quickly with nothing but lazing around all day at home. Her sense of time was immensely warped that (Name) wasn't even aware what day of the week it was, not that she did anything about it either. It wasn't an understatement when (Name) was told by her parents that school started in two days. She was deeply alarmed, to think that she thought the winter festival was just yesterday. Even so, (Name) thought she spent her time wisely and was charged up for whatever school threw at her and her rock hard glutes. She spent the last couple of days before school mentally preparing her mushy brain for the big brain learning she would be doing. What better way to do that than playing more games? she thought. Obviously, it was just an excuse to be lazy one last time before she had to get her sorry ass up early in the morning in the coming future.


"Alright class! Winter break is over so we're getting back into the groove! No time to be lazy!" The science teacher exclaimed, a collective groan escaping from the class. Who knew they could be so peppy about teaching. (Name) was not back in her hardworking mindset yet, half asleep in her chair as her teacher's words went through one ear and straight out the other. She picked up her pencil and tried to copy down notes every now and then, trying to stay in the loop without zoning out. (Name) held back a yawn that was slowly creeping up her chest and sneaked a glance at the clock, class wasn't going to end anytime soon and she was dreading every second of it. Weird, I'm usually not this tired when I come back from break. This is a first, she thought as she stretched out her back, perhaps she should've fixed her sleep schedule much earlier than she did. Normally (Name) would've started sleeping earlier a week before break ended so the exhaustion wouldn't run over her when school started but she didn't. Not this break. And she deeply regretted it.

(Name) looked up at the board, the teacher was going through several new scientific theories and gave explanations to back them all up. All the diagrams that the teacher drew on the chalkboard were making no sense to her, all she could make out was a silly looking hybrid of a bird and a dolphin. It didn't even make sense. The teacher's voice was soon dampened, sounding like a soft lullaby to (Name)'s ears causing her to get even more tired.

Her stomach growled, begging her to be fed but all she could do was pat it in pity. Her head got heavier and heavier, dragging downwards as sleep threatened to take over. She commanded herself to wake up and she propped her head on her hands while holding her eyelids up in the process. It was an attempt but it wasn't enough to keep her awake in the long run. Her arms started giving out on her after not moving for a while and she found herself losing conciousness again. I guess a small nap couldn't hurt, I can just ask Tsukki to catch me up later, she thought before surrending herself to the enemy.

Luckily, her teacher never caught her slacking in class.

Like at all.



"Remember to study for the test of the old material before the break! Have a nice day!"

"Man why is this the only class that assigns a test the second we come back from break. Science sucks"

"Joji, I heard that. This is for your own good so you won't be caught slacking when we move on."

(Name) stirred awake when she heard the bell for the end of the class, extremely surprised at the fact her teacher didn't catch her dozing off. Shrugging it off she went to go buy a drink at the vending machine with Aika during the in-between class breaks. "So, I noticed that you were asleep for most of the class. Didn't know you were the type to do such a thing" she said slyly while inserting her money into machine, pressing the button and waiting for the loud clunk of her drink dropping into the compartment. (Name) looked away shamefully hiding her face from her friend, "It's whatever I'll just get the notes from Tsukki and catch up later." Aika sulked and pointed at herself, "Why don't you ask me instead? I thought I was your one and only." (Name) looked at her incredulously, "Because your notes are shit. No offense."

Precious :) (Tsukishima Kei x f!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now