then pewish

30 4 1

Thursday, 04:00

Ms Scarlet: Hello losers

Yvette: howdy [french swear]

Mr Green: i love both of you hello

Wadsworth: why do i never get greeted like that

Mrs Peacock: Why are you awake at this time?

Ms Scarlet: Late client for one of my girls

Mrs Peacock: Why are you awake then?

Ms Scarlet: I need to collect the money and make sure she gets home safe why are YOU AWAKE

Mrs Peacock: Your notifications woke me up.

Mr Green: you can mute the char u know

Mrs Peacock: You mute the chat!

Mr Green: i hav???

Mrs Peacock: Oh.

Wadsworth: Yvette why are you up

Yvette: mr green!!! wat r u doing??

Mr Green: Yvette!!! smuggling with wadsy

Wadsworth: wow ignored

Mrs White: Stop

Mr Green: stop what

Mrs White: Being so cute

Ms Scarlet: Mrs White being nice never thought I'd see the day

Mrs White: I'm not a goth?? I can be nice

Ms Scarlet: Never said you were a goth checkmate

Wadsworth: Mr$ white i$nt a goth

Ms Scarlet: Yes she is

Mr Green: yes she is

Mrs Peacock: Yes, she is.

Yvette: oui she is

Mrs White: Yes I am

Ms Scarlet: She even admits it!

Wadsworth: well if $he$ a goth you're a Prep

Ms Scarlet: Fuck no
Ms Scarlet: Fuck you

Wadsworth: that'$ yvette$ job

Yvette: SosjajalaquQUEL

Ms Scarlet: You're going to regret that

Professor Plum:  aww  is ms scawlet  embwassed

Colonel Mustard: it was nice knowing you

Wadsworth: hold on a minute scarlet

Ms Scarlet: Yes?

Mr Green: Please spare my boyfriend from whatever he types next!

Wadsworth: im $orry for $aying yvette$ job i$ fu¢king you it$ ¢learly the rever$e

Yvette: attends une seconde
Yvette: tes mort

Professor Plum: go frenchie go take his organs steal his teeth!!!!

Mrs White: What the fuck plum

Professor Plum: Im in hospital leave me alone
Professor Plum: im just tryna have some fun

Ms Scarlet: I'm sure mr boddy has that covered

Professor Plum: FAZFYSHSD YOU

Mrs White: Oh did he die

Wadsworth: you mu$nt $ound $o

Mrs white: and wadsworth too


Mrs Peacock: How did yvette even get Wadsworth?

Mr Green: yvette was styaing roubd Mr boddys to housesit while he sepnds Tim at the hospit and wadsy when to check up n she amabusses him

Mrs Peacock: Appalling grammar and spelling, goodnight.

Mr Green: :(((

Mrs White: it's just us

Mr Green: :)

Mrs White: :)

Mr Green: Hewwo is anybody thewe ???

Mrs White: *cave slowly begins to fill with water*

Mr Green: H-hewwo pwease somebody hewp me H-ewwo!! HEWP ME HEWP

Mrs White: *you can feel the surface of the water lapping at you*

Mr Green: Nononono hewwo!! Hewwo! Hewp me

Mrs White: God wwest youw sowwl

Mr Green: Hewwo! Ma’am why awe you doing this to me Hewwo!! Hewp me pwease PWEASE

Mrs White: *you see obama*

Mr Green: M-mr obwqama is that you Hewwo! Pwease hewp me i seem to be in a wittle bit of twubble mr obama hewwo H-hewwo

Mr Green: Mr Obwama pwease

Mr Green: Pwease Mr Obwama Pwease save me I downt wanna die

Mr Green: H-hewwo mr obwama awe you still thewe

Mrs White: .....

Mr Green: M-mr obwama pwease im drowning H-hewwo im scawed

Mr Green: Ill doing anything fow you mr obama pwease hewp

Mrs White: Anything?

Mr Green: Anything for you mr obama :3 ÚwÙ <3

Mrs White: Then pewish

Thursday, 07:00

Mrs Peacock: What the fuck?

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