1. The box

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A big noise woke you up, you realised you didn't know where you were, and it was all dark. You moved triying to stand up but couldnt, you crashed your head with something. You felt dizzy, like if you had been asleep for a very long time and your body hurt.You were surrounded by objects and you were able to touch them but couldn't really tell what they were, probably just boxes.

You raised your hands up and tried to stand up once more but you noticed you were in some kind of box too and the only thing you could do was stand in there laying down and try to remenber where the hell you were.

Suddenly the box started moving, up, probably, it was difficult to tell...

After about 5 minutes going up it stoped roughtly making you scream in surprise. You heard a noise like if someone had jumped on top of the box you were in, and right in that moment a bright light blinded you for a few seconds, someone had oppened the box.

You heard voices, young male voices, but you dind't understand what they said, as if they talked in a different language, you were confused... who wouldn't be?

" at laaaaast the box we needed supplies"

"Yeah! It was about time !"

"Hey! Let's see the new shank!"

"New shanks are called greenies slinthead"

Where the hell am i ??? Why do this guys talk weird?? Your eyes were still triying to get used to the light when you felt someone next to you, but you were still laying down with your eyes closed.

"Hey! I think this shank it's..... a girl!!!" The guy next to you exclaimed.

"What? Are you sure Newt?" A boy with a much more mature voice said from outside the box.

"What do you mean if i am sure shank? Can't you see it? Yes i'm bloody sure! " he had british accent.

"Alby what are we supposed to do with her ? " you heard another boy ask.

You realise you were listening but still laying down and with your eyes closed so they probably thought you were asleep. Great because i still don't know where i am or if i can trust them, its better if they think i'm asleep so i can listen to them. You thought to yourself.

"Maybe she's dead, she doesn't move..." a boy said. He sounded scared.
Shit they think i'm dead not asleep, better wake up before they burry me alive... okay ... there we go...

You slowly opened your eyes and moved causing the guys to scream a bit in surprise. You tryed to stand up on your feet surprising the blonde guy next to you who inmediately helped you up.

He helped you out of the box and you saw yourself surrounded by boys staring at you like if you were the first girl they see in their entire life.

You walk a few steps back pushing some of the guys behind you until you were separated from the group buy a couple meters.
They are about 30.... you think to your self. What is this place?

You started feeling lightheaded you could hear your heartbeating really fast.

You put a hand on your chest trying to breath and calm down, you analyse the situation okay, they are about 30 but they look as scared as me so maybe they are not dangerous, i have nothing to defend myself with but if someone gets close to me i will just kick him in the balls.

Right in that second you felt a hand on your shoulder and a deep voice telling you something but you didn't understand you just turned around and as a reflex you kicked him between the legs and ran.

You saw big tall walls surrounding what looked like a farm, or something like that.... but they seemed like a way out of that place and they were near enough for you to reach it in less than a minute running so you ran faster. You heard voices from behind you:

"She's running towards the maze !"

" someone go grab her before she gets herself killed"
Maze? Get myself killed? You were still running as fast as your legs allowed you to when you thought maybe you should not run away from these guys, they probably knew things that you didn't about this place.

When you were about to cross the walls a strong wind blew in your face, and made you slow down your race, then the gigantic walls started moving closing the gap that a minute ago you thought it was your way out....
How? Why? You were standing there in front of the stone walls trying to understand something.

" hey ! Stay right where you are greenie ! " you heard a boy said while he was running to reach you.

He stopped next to you but you ignored him,looking up impressed by the doors moving.

" woww! you could be a good runner greenie" the guy said breathing heavily.

Those strange words made you snap out of your thoughts. You looked to your right to see the guy who was talking to you. He was an asian tall boy and unlike the other guys he looked happy, he was smilimg at you like if he had just said something funny and he was waiting for you to laugh at his joke, but you didn't understand a word he said.

"I could be a what?" You said looking at him with confussion. You realise those are the first words that came out of your mouth, and they sounded really stupid.

"A runner" he said smiling at you.

The rest of the guys reached your position and surrounded you again but a tall dark skinned one who looked older then the rest steped forward.

"I' m Alby, its okay, we won't hurt you" he said raising his hands up. "But don't kick me in the balls again okay?"

The asian boy smiled and you nodded feeling a bit bad for hurting him.

"Sorry, it wa a reflex i didn't mean to hurt you" you apologysed.

"It's okay, follow me i will explain you how this works" he said walking away.

You followed him.

That was my first fanfiction eeeveerr soo... i hope it's cool i really like this story i will try my best .
Sorry for my english if i spelled something wrong please let me know :)

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