2. The glade

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You reached Alby and started walking next to him.

"This is what we call the glade" he said proudly.

"And how did i get here i... i don't remenber anything.."

" thats completely normal greenie none of us remenber, the only thing they let us keep is our name, do you remenber yours?"

"Uhmm yeah .. i.. i think its... Maggie"

"Great! Some of the guys needed a hole day to remenber"

" well that's a good start i suppose"

" course it is" he looked happy and tryed to cheer you up but you wanted to know what was going on.

You smiled back so he didnt think you were rude, but you had a lot of questions to ask him.

"What is this place? And why are we here? "

"Non of us know why we are here they just send us here in that box just like you but... you are the first girl they send.

"They? Who?"

"We call the the creators, they send a guy in the box every month with supplies"

"Wait, they send a guy every month and you are around 30 that means... yo have been here for at least 3 years!"

"Uuhmm yeah, but we are trying to fihd a way out "


You realiced that the glade was surrounded by those walls and that you heard the boys talk about a maze but you didnt really undertand so you let alby talk

"Sorry continue i'm just really nervous, go on"

"So yeah, we are send here in a box, i was the first one i was terrified at first but then i saw how it worked, and when more boys kept on cominag up every month i helped them get through it and we built a society all together,  like a family"

You looked around to see all those guys working together in that strange place someone put them in anvfor a moment it didn't look like a place to be scared of.

He stoped talking so you looked back at him, he was staring at you

"I dont know whats going to happen now that you are here , we dont remenber anything from our past live so... you are basically the first girl we see in our life, we'll have to add some new rules so you dont get hurt by any shank

You rised an eyebrow knowing that if someon tryed something on you youll kick him without thinking it twice.

"Please dont kick anyone all in tha balls unless is competely necessary to defend youself our society is based on respect and on trusting oneanother " Alby said just like if he could read your mind.

"Sorry..." you felt really bad for messing things up like that and you had just arrived 5 minutes ago!

He smiled and put a hand on your shoulder it's okay i understand, you were scared.

Alby explained to you lots of things you didn't quite understand but you just kept on nodding while you walked around the glade with him

"So the three basic rules are: 1 everyone does their part, no slackers ;2 never hurt another glader, we have to trust eachother; 3 never go outside the galde, unless you're a runner... You almost broke that last one a few minutes ago..."

"Whats a runner?? "

"It's on of the jobs here in the glade. We are divided into groups depending the the job you have, and each job has a keeper, who is like the chief and who represents the rest of the glader in his group when we vote for things"

You were surprised of how well organized this guys were

We have builders, whose keeper is gally, they basically  build new or upgrade paces in the glade ; sloppers who do several tasks like houseworks and cleaning; cooks,  frypan is the keeper, they pepare meals; track-hoes whose keeper is zart they work inthe gardens tilling, weeding and planting and harvesting" he pointed to some corps located in the north east part of the glade

" thn we have th Med-jacks, Clint is the keeper, they are basicalli doctors; Slicers, the keeper is winston an they  work in the bloodhouse(he pointed to a building locted in thr south east part) and finally,  the runners, whose keeper is minho, they are the only gladers allowed in the maze who run through it everyday mapping it ,because it changes at night, wich makes it very difficult for us to find the way out."

Your face expressionwas probably interesting, because alby stared at you and asked you "hey! Are you okay? "

"Yeah sure i... uhmm .. just need a minute to process all the information"

"I understand, its okay " he said while rubbing a bit your back ,then he continued talking but this time about where did they sleep, eat and basically live

"The homestand is where we sleep (located north west ) and in the back we have the slammer wich works as a jail and that's the deadheads ( south west) a small forest with a graveyard."

"But tonight youll sleep separatee from us so you have ome privacy, we can fix the slammer a bit so it doesnt seen like a jail and it feels more like your own room..."

"Uh oh okay " you didnt really care where you were sleeping bityou wantedto know more about that maze and you really wanted to see the maps from the maze.

"But how is it possible that the maze..." he stoped you

" enough questions for your firt day greenie, i have things to do and the sun is already going down i'll show you where you'll  sleep tonight and i'll see you in the bonfire tonight.

"Bonfire ?? Mm okay but..."

" try not to think much about it at least tonight, try to calm down an sleep well. tomorrow you'll start working i the gardens"

"Why there?"

"Ohh you'll try all the different jobs until you find the one for you; gardens, med jack , slicer..."

"And runner?" You asked "minho said i ran relly fast, i could be a good runner"

"He was just joking,  it's not that easy i haven't told you everything yet but it's better this way, if you really want to be a runner after what i have to explain you about the maze then minho will test you to se if you could actually be one."

"Perfect " you said. It was enough fot one day, you had to think about alll that information and try put the pieces together.

"Perfect" he repeated , "here let me show you your" room" i'll ask someone to get you an extra mastress"

"Hey chuck! "He called out loud, a young boy turned and smiled before running to were you and alby were standing

"Hey alby what do you need??

"Chuck this is Maggie, could you get an extra mastress and help her carry it to the slammer, she'll  sleep there tonight help her turn it into a confortable room ,okay?"

" Sure ! Come ! " he gestured with his hand for you to follow him.

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