5.the bonfire 2

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you followed newt next to the fire and sat close to him.

you saw minho, he was talking to some other boys while eating not far away from you, but you decide to finish your food and talk to newt a bit more before going to talk to him about being a runner.

" so alby said i 'll be trying all the jobs to see were i fit in better" you say

newt had his mouth full and wasnt able to answer straight away, he slowed his rice and chiken as fast as he could and answered

" yeah, we all did that our first week , you star at the gardens , i am usually there helping the boys so i'll show you how it works tomorrow."

" nice , and then?" you asked, you really wanted to know about the runners before asking anything to minho and look stupid.

" then you try help frypan, and then the slicers, and then med jack ..."

" and then runner"

" uummmm its not that easy greenie, you have to talk to minho first and then he 'll see if you are able to be a runner"

" he told me i could be a good runner when i came out of the box " you reply " whats with being a runner anyway, its because i am a girl?"

" hahaha no greenie relax, being a runner is difficult. the maze is a dangerous place"

" mmm yeah, alby didnt explain this to you yet did he?" he continued

" no he said he'll explain tomorrow" you answer hopping he tells you now and dont tell you to forget about it untill tomorrow.

" okay maggie here is the thing, the maze is big very big and only the strongest and smartest guys are allowed to run there, its easy to get lost and hurt.... look tere is a reason why the dors close at night, its dangerous."

he looked worried afraid, he was not at all confortabkle telling me this

" look if it was safe in there at night we would just stay there to sleep and continue the day after but the runners have to explore the maze and como out before the doors close because...."

" heey greenie come here have fun!" a guy said. he was yelling probably drunk

" umm no thanks i am fine here and i am maggie by the way not.. greenie"

" oooookaayy ms maggie, but you save me a dance" he said walking away

" sure..." you answer unconfortable " go on , why is the maze dangerous at night?"

" we call them grievers , they are not really friendly, if you dont make it to the glade before the doors close, well... no one has ever told us what happened because... we dont ever see them again."

A terrible noise came from behind the walls. everyone looked in the same direction and froze for a moment.

ohh i can kind of imagine what he is talking about. but its weird couse, i still whant to explore the maze and now that i know what newt told me i wont look like an idiot with minho, its time to go talk to him where is he ?

you searched for minho, he is not where he was the last time you saw him , he is talking to alby while drinking something.

okay that's my change, he is not alone or talking to guys i dont know so it wont be akward alby will introduce me .

" hey newt i am going to talk with alby for a minute"

" okay" he said standing up and helping me up as well.

i am not really proud of this one but ... i had to explain everything about the maze and the grievers and stuff i promise the next one will be better.

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