The Cliff

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Korra sat at the edge of the cliff head on her knees with her arms wrapped tightly around her legs. Her tears rolled off her face and fell down the side of the cliff hitting the water that was deep below. She told the others she needed some alone time as she lost her bending and there wasn't a way for her to get it back. What kind of avatar would let some bad guy take away their bending? Tarrlok was right, she was a half  baked avatar. She was too reckless in the fight and just wanted Amon gone that she wasn't thinking strategically and that had its toll.

Sure she still had her airbending but what kind of avatar only has the ability to airbend? How could she bring peace to republic city with only airbending? She was useless now, She wasn't the avatar master of the four elements bridge between the spirit and human realms. She was just a girl who could move air. 

Everyone was sitting in the mess hall of the temple on air temple island waiting for Korra to return when Asami walked in.

"Where's Korra?!" Asami asked urgency evident in her voice.

"She said she needed some alone time so she went out alone. Why do you ask?" Mako questioned.

"She doesn't need alone time. She fixing her bending problem." Asami said.

"What do you mean?" Bolin asked.

"Think about it. She's lost her ability to bend water, earth, and fire. She can only bend air now and what's the only way she can get her bending back?!" Asami said.

"Oh my god she's going to kill herself!" Lin replied.

"She's going to end her life so then the next avatar will be born and have all their bending abilities back!" Tenzin frantically said.

"We need to get to her now! Everyone get on Oogi!!" Tenzin shouted. 

Everyone quickly got up and ran outside and climbed onto Oogi.

"Oogi! Yip Yip!" Tenzin shouted.

The sky bison flew up into the sky and took off going as fast as he could. They searched for hours in the surrounding area but couldn't find Korra. When Asami spotted something blue out of the corner of her eye sitting in the white snow.

"Over there! Look!" Asami shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction Asami pointed at and saw the figure covered in blue water tribe clothing. Tenzin pulled on the ropes that were tied around Oogi's horns and he turned around, a few seconds later they had landed and everyone was climbing off the Sky Bison.

"Korra don't!" Asami and Bolin called out.

Korra was now standing and turned around her eyes red and puffy tears streaming down her face. She was broken and everyone could see it, having her bending taken away broke her and there was no way of fixing her. 

"Korra don't do this. We can figure out a solution we can help you find a way to get your bending back just walk away from the edge of the cliff." Tenzin said. 

"You don't understand Tenzin....... H-how am I supposed to b-be the avatar with just one element?" Korra replied.

"Korra. Listen I know how you feel Amon took my bending away to. it may take us time but we can get over this. We can learn how to adapt." Lin said.

"I can't just move on Lin. I'm the avatar master of the FOUR elements for gods sake! But here I am only being able to bend one element. I can't bring peace to Republic city with just one element." Korra said.

"I love you Korra. We all do, we're your family and you can't just leave us like this!" Bolin pleaded. 

"I'm sorry....." Korra said.

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