Lady red coat

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He hated EVERYTHING about her, the way she moved, the way she spoke, the way she alluded to what her true intentions were, they way SHE always took HIS kills. She went by the name of lady red coat and that's where the information people had on who she really was ended. Other than that all anyone knew was that she was one of the best assassins in the northern region, she barely missed a kill, and she only worked for the highest payers, though who those payers were, was also unknown. You see Ethan had been following this rich aristocratic governor for months on end with no available opening to take them out until just recently. The governor was attending a gala and had a little to much to drink, so to save their reputation and public image their bodyguards quickly escorted them out of the building to take them home for the night. 

Quickly learning of this Ethan tried to discreetly follow but to no avail as he was interrupted by one of the many attendees who wanted to know where he got his suit. When he finally was free of that long and wretched conversation he quickly made his way out the back doors to where he knew the governor was parked, hoping that they were still there he pulled out his gun and readied it for the kill, but when he arrived, the governor and his bodyguards were dead. And low and behold Lady Red Coat was standing above their limp bodies.

"Why am I not surprised that you're here..." Ethan spoke with disdain.

"I knew you were going to try and kill this governor but you were too slow, so I decided to kill them for you." She said with a wave of her hand.

"Tell me, why do always steal MY kills? Aren't there other assassins you can take kills from? Why is it always me?" He asked with slight annoyance.

At this she let out a small chuckle.

"You aren't the only assassin in the northern region I take kills from. You're just the only who's self obsessed enough to continuously fret over it and not realize that I'm actually doing you a favor by eliminating your targets." She replied.

"You're killing MY targets, how is that a favor?!" He snapped.

"By the looks of it" She said motioning to his satin suit. "You're still getting payed. So I'll hazard a guess and say that your employers aren't watching to make sure that you are actually killing your targets. Yes I may be stealing your kills but you're still getting payed. So does it matter if you're actually the one making the kills?"

"Yes it matters! I am an assassin and these are MY kills! I am the one supposed to be making them, not you! Stop taking out MY targets or else!" He yelled.

"Or else what? I'm one of the most deadly assassins in the northern region if you try to kill me it won't end well for you. You wouldn't be the first assassin I've killed." She nonchalantly replied.

"Oh I'm sure I can eliminate you." He replied aiming his gun at her.

"Please. I killed Madame Red the most well known and feared assassin in all the regions. You Mr. Black Nightingale are nothing, barely even a threat to me. So don't make me waste my time by killing you when I could be doing other things." She said her voice going cold.

She then pulled out a knife from the pocket in her dress and held it at his throat, with this movement he cocked the pistol and pointed it at her. The two stared at each other in silence for awhile not saying a thing.

"Listen. You have a gun, I have a knife. These both are even deadlier in our hands so let's just call it a tie for now before blood is spilled and the police end up discovering it belongs to us, and then we end up getting questioned by them as to why our blood is in the parking lot of this gala hall." She said.

After a while he slowly lowered the gun and holstered it in the side holster hidden under his blazer, she did the same with her knife sheathing it in the sheath under her dress. After this she smiled.

"Thank you. I Guess you live another day." She said walking off.

"Put the gun away before I put a knife in your head." She shouted back at him.

He lowered the gun once more and walked away in the other direction. He cursed at himself because of the events that just happened. He got another kill stolen from him and he was threatened by another assassin, and it worked. Suffice to say he was scared now, he had never been threatened before so it was a nerve wracking situation. Although not only was he now nervous but he was also angry, he knew now the next time he ran into Lady Red Coat he would be the one taking a life and she would be the one losing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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