Fun facts Part 1!

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1. Lloyd and Kai's daughter Stella is in a different book of mine in my google drive. She was actually the daughter of two completely different characters and had her own solo book! I needed a name for their daughter and decided it would be fun to alter Stella's life.

2. In my other Ninjago book deep in my google drive archives which I shall shorten its name to Journal Mal was actually human. She was born and raised on earth. She wasn't even royalty. She had a twin brother Max, a younger brother named Corath and later on to be revealed a younger sister named Catelyn. Their parents died when Max and Mal were 16 and Corath and Catelyn were 6.

3. In Journal Lloyd wasn't the first green ninja. Max was, he was the first, the original, and even the strongest green ninja. But he gave up his powers so then Lloyd could become the next green ninja. Later on the gang found a way to restore Max's green ninja powers and he eventually got them back.

4. In Journal Lloyd has an older sister and older brother! Thanks to the amazing @tabbycat231 Kat and Floyd were introduced. Kat is the lime green ninja and is the wife to Kai (Mind you they exist in different universe's so in this one Lloyd and Kai are straight). Floyd is the oldest of the Garmadon children. He was born as black as a starless night. Out of fear of him turning into his father Misako left him somewhere in ninjago and raised only Kat and Lloyd. That backfired though and he actually became one of the ninja's most formidable opponents. Even being able to convince Stella, Corath and Stella's older brother Jax to join his side.

5. In journal Stella has and older brother named Jax. He is the son of Max and his wife May. He later on became known as the silver ninja and was powerful enough to wield the mega weapon. He was able to wield and use it because of his blood relation to Max. Since Max was the first and most powerful green ninja he passed some of his immense power to Jax and Stella when they were born, hence the reason why he is able to wield the mega weapon and survive. But Jax thought of it as a weak tool and instead used a powerful silver boomerang as his main weapon and only used the mega weapon in very few instances. Like when he turned evil and joined Floyd and he used it to create an alternate dark version of the bounty.

7. Max's powers were actually so powerful and great that not even bench stone affected him. The only way you could stop or even take away his powers was with the green crystal eye. He touched it later on and it took away all of his green ninja powers. He then proceeded to give the green crystal eye to the first spinjitzu master who later on broke the crystal eye and the powers trapped inside were eventually given to Lloyd. It somehow was pieced back together and was placed in a protected cave thousands of miles outside Ninjago. Max eventually found it again later on but saw it was empty and deemed it useless so he left it there. But a new powerful force that the ninja's couldn't beat somehow reactivated the eye and when Max touched it again he got his green ninja powers back.

8. In a different ninjago book of mine called Ninjago book (I created this in like 6th or 7th grade when my writing was absolute shit). Floyd as a baby was found by Mal on the streets he accidentally bit her finger and she absorbed all his darkness. She then raised him as her own.

9. Mal has a son named Smith who is the diamond ninja cause he has diamond powers. I don't exactly know what happened to him but he kinda disappeared. 

10. Mal had another son Later on whose name was never revealed (More like I didn't give him a name) He went by the alias of Clonex and was able to make multiple clones of anything he wanted. He was introduced in Journal when Stella and Corath got married. He ambushed, interrupted, and destroyed their wedding. While in a fight with everyone he punched Mal so hard that she was sent flying back and hit the ground so hard she was knocked out. When she came to she appeared to be 21 again and turned into the timekeeper for the first time basically unlocking her true potential.

11. Max's wife May and his younger brother Corath were elemental masters as well. May was the master of power and Corath was the master of light. It was then revealed later on that Corath's mother had switched the powers of Catelyn and Corath. Corath was born with his mothers magic and Catelyn was born with her father's elemental power of light. Their mother switched their powers at birth because Catelyn was to be hidden away from Max and Mal. The reason why she was hidden from them was never revealed.

12. The Mal you all were introduced to in "A new life" actually has the powers of Max, Corath, and May. She has Max's immense power levels, Corath's powerful magic and May's glowy hands of power.

13. Max has a cousin who was introduced in Ninjago book. He was also a green ninja but he was evil. Max ended up taking his cousin's powers with the green crystal eye and absorbed them into himself making him even more powerful.

14. In Ninjago book Kat was turned evil. She ended up killing Mal and Max but the two were later brought back (I don't know how though).

15. Max was actually trapped in time for thousands of years stopping him from aging. he was around 20 when he first met Kat and the two had a mission together that quickly went south and caused the two to have a deep grudge and hatred for each other. Max eventually got over it but Kat still dislikes him.

16. I started a ninjago assassin AU book where all the ninja were assassin's instead of elemental ninja. Max and Mal aren't actually related to Corath in this one. Instead Max and Mal are assassin's and Corath is an assassin killer. He was trained by his mother Golden Glider. She got the name because She wears Golden armor and wields a golden battle axe and almost seems to  glide when she fights. Years ago she was tasked with killing Max and the two fought for hours on end before Golden Glider got the upper hand and killed him. This devastated Mal and her family, she even tried to get revenge for him but barely escaped.

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