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This is a monologue excerpt from a green flame fanfic I may or may not start working on in the future. In this Kai was diagnosed with 220 mental disorders when he was 4 years old. 6 years later he was diagnosed with another 30 putting the total number of mental disorders to 250. In this excerpt monologue he is explaining to Lloyd his boyfriend why he always acts so strange and different and if he can't deal with it then then Kai won't stay in a relationship with him.

Kai: 220.

Lloyd: What?

Kai: When I was four years old, I was diagnosed with 220 different mental disorders. The doctor said that I shouldn't have lived to be four with all of my mental disorders. Or I should have killed myself by the age of two. Do you know what it's like to be told by someone that you should've killed yourself by the age of two because your brain was different? Then 6 years later I'm diagnosed with 30 more disorders that have made my life even more difficult and once again I was told by a doctor that I should've killed myself years ago. Yet once again here I am seventeen years old and still alive suffering with 250 mental disorders that should have made me end my life years ago! SO THAT'S WHY I ACT SO WEIRD! I have 250 mental disorders that should have made me kill myself but I'm still alive and suffering! Every person I try to befriend they push me away when they learn about my mental disorders and then abandon me. They don't care about my well being, they don't care if they made me sad. They just want to laugh about the pain they caused me. I'm done with it. So if you want to make fun of me or hate me because of my mental disorders then you can do that. But just know that your relationship with me will end and I have no plans to get back together with someone that wants to cause me more pain.

Lloyd: I'm sorry.... I didn't know that.

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