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Okay. If an idol #1 in a group goes live and you join, great! Listen to them, watch the live in peace, comment a few nice things. That's all👏you👏have👏to👏do👏


1. Ask repeatedly to see another member from the group. You're here for idol #1 not everyone else.
If it upsets you that much that a certain member isn't there then leave not that hard to do. Go watch a previous like of that member and leave idol #1 alone. And don't ask for someone else to the point where idol #1 leaves the live themselves, that's a dick move on the fans side.

2. If two idols are there, DON'T SPAM SHIPPING TYPE THINGS. Especially if the idols have said they're uncomfortable with it. Do whatever the fuck you want in your free time but don't spam their lives, Twitter, Instagram whatever with that.

3. Don't ask them to speak English/Spanish whatever repeatedly. It's okay to ask once but don't spam the chat with that. They're KOREAN they will speak KOREAN. If they wanna say something in English cool. Spanish? Cool. Thai? Cool. Just don't spam them with it

4. If I see this shit again,, Telling them what time it is for you when they are live and it's late.
"It's midnight in the U.S" Or "I'm in the middle of school, go live later" OKAY AND?
If you wanna go to sleep, go to fucking sleep. Don't guilt trip the idol into turning off the live. Don't punish everyone else because you want sleep/school. They took time out of they're day to talk to fans,, be greatful.

Thank you

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