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Whoever sent hate to Jimin, fuck you
He's one of the kindest people ever and you decide to make fun of him? You decide to make jokes about his ED? Make r-pe jokes, death threats? You're fucking disgusting if you made one of those. And for what reason? There's not one.
I really hope he wasn't able to see the things some people said. I'm aware that he might have seen things in the past, but this is awful. He's had trouble before and you bring it back up? I'm happy BigHit is taking legal action because whoever said anything horrible, you deserve that.
Please just leave him alone. He doesn't deserve that.

Whoever sent hate to Yuta, fuck you
  I don't know what this man did to deserve hate because as far as I fucking know, he's nothing but sweet. Acid attacks and death threats? That's disgusting, what did he do you? NOTHING, he did nothing. Why can't he just be happy?
Just let him breathe, is it that hard?

Fan wars(what this came from) are fucking pointless, the only people they hurt are the idols involved.
What do fans get out of it?

Idols are people, with feelings.
They're not little prim and perfect people.
Please just have respect for them since  they do so much for us.

We don't want to loose an idol

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