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Y'know, now that my brain actually works and I don't forget shit half the time (I still do wtf am I saying)

The more I think about it, the more useless school becomes
For some school is genuinely helpful in getting where they want to go in life.

But to me, school isn't about learning anymore y'know?
I'm not say we DON'T learn stuff from school, cause we do. I'm just saying that as you go up in school (middle to high school basically) school is more about passing than learning.

And I don't want to sound like "👺 fuck the system 👺"
Even though I am very much a 👺fuck the system 👺 kind of person

But school is a very scary and unhealthy place for some people. For some it's a source of anxiety, stress, etc.
Then again for some it's a safe haven because of friends they meet (and even some nice teachers).


Is the amount of stress pushed on to students is terrible. ESPECIALLY with the pandemic students are expected to:

keep up with multiple classes(the ones I'm aware of is 7 classes)
participate in after school activities then at the same time complete homework for those seven classes when you get home. (Which from my experience is getting back at 7 then needing to sleep so that I get eight hours and don't got to sleep at school)
Some people can't even get up in the mornings because of mental health, so that alone is task. And also the fact that at 12 and below kids are suffering with depression and other mental health issues is horrible.

Now with the pandemic

They're still expected to keep up with the classes, which are online now. Some families don't have access to stable internet. Some people don't have a healthy family life, so pulling them out of school (which is an escape for some) and throwing them in that without a choice is upsetting on it's own.
We're still expected to have the same amount of work done and the same amount of drive.... DuRIng tHE fUcKiNg pLaGUe.

It's just.... I hate the expectations schools have for younger people.

My brother is fucking nine, but he already stresses and cries over making 70% and below because he thinks he's disappointing the family.

If my brother grows up goes through the shit I had to,, I'm murdering the school board /hj

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