(not so) Weekly Check Up

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I'm back 😁👍

How has my week been?

Piss, it's been actually rabbit piss. I was angry/sad/and tired all week. Edit: it's Friday and my week was okay, Monday just sucked 😀

How has today been

It's been okay, literally nothing happened

Today's highlight?

I ate... Subway...

Hopes for next week

I actually have no idea,, but I do know my mom made plans for us to visit Savannah (close to where I live)... In the middle of a Paranormal

Hopes for tomorrow

I have school tomorrow, so maybe that I have a good day and don't get angy

Song(s) stuck in my head

Paradise- BTS
Crush- MCND
Mr. Loverman- Rick Montgomery


"suga jjang jjang bong bong"
Min Yoongi

Your turn

How was your week?

How was today?

Today's highlight?

Hopes for next week?

Hopes for tomorrow?

Song stuck in your head?


Love ya


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