Sixth ~ NighT

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As the group eats their breakfast, Mary decides to address the next matter at hand.

"Since we have already mastered the languages needed, what is our next agenda?"

Sophia hummed in thought. "We should cross the bridge of learning to fit in by studying our culture."

"Yes that would be ideal." Mary nodded her head. "And what do you suggest we do to study your world's culture?"

"By going to a mall, of course!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Maria raised a hand. "Sophia, what's a mall?"

"Well, it's a place to buy things. There's also lots of stuff you can do there." Sophia explained. "I plan for you guys to learn the culture here by going to the mall. It's mostly a test run for when you guys go to our school."

"What would a 'mall' teach us that would be vital to learning how to fit in?" Geordo questioned.

Sophia laughed. "Because there are students there, of course. When we get to the mall, you guys need to observe the teenagers there."

Alan crossed his arms and leaned on the wall. "So we need to observe?"

Sophia nodded. "We'll also buy the things you'll need for the time you'll be here."

Mary nodded in understanding. "So, when will we go there??"

Sophia blinked. "We can go now, if you'd like."

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Geordo and Mary shouted before slamming open the door and dashing to the exit.

"But we'll need to change into suitable clothing, of course." Sophia cut in, making the two halt suddenly.

Mary sweatdropped. "Ah, yes that would be ideal."

"Why didn't we think of that..?" Geordo buried his face in his hand.

After letting the girls borrow Atsuko's clothing, and the boys her father's clothing, they were now ready to head to the mall.

Sophia took a deep breath, as if she was marching into a warzone, and exhaled.

"Alright! It's time to learn modern culture!" She declared.


"Woah!" The group gasped.

"It's so lively!" Maria exclaimed. "Reminds me of the time when I used to run errands to the market. Takes me back!"

"So? Where should we start?" Sophia asked the group.

"It would be wise to get clothes our size first." Geordo pointed out.

"You have a point there." Sophia smiled sheepishly.

They headed to a clothing store named 'Uniqlo' to get said clothes.

After a few hours of shopping, they decided on their styles.

Maria had settled for blouses and pants.

While Mary settled for dresses, the shortest reaching the base of her knees (she couldn't wear shorter skirts even though she tried, same with Maria. The boys also couldn't look at the girls without looking away since they are gentlemen (Although, they're trying to get used to seeing the skirt length of other females, as they were going to see it everyday when they eventually go to school)).

While the boys had worn shirts and pants.

Keith even tried wearing shorts. Knee-length, though.

Afterwards, they had lunch on the food court.

Sophia had leaked Katarina's favorite foods here, and Maria was intent on learning its recipe.

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