Fifth ~ NighT

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"School in our world is not much different from yours, actually." Sophia pointed out.

"But there are differences, right?" Alan asked.

Sophia nodded in reply. "You all need to learn how to use the gadgets of this world, as we are much advanced in technology than Sorcier."

"Such as the 'phone' that Mary threw." Geordo snickered.

"Oh, shut up you!" Mary huffed.

"First off, there is no magic here." Sophia declared to the group.

"N-No magic? But how did your world create all these objects?" Maria asked.

"Well, there's this thing called Science. We used it to advance our technology. Magic is just a part of fantasy here."

"A world where magic is fantasy and not the norm. Interesting." Geordo hummed.

"So, before we go to this world's academy, we need to adjust to the culture here." Keith said in contemplation. "Not to mention the languages.

"Hm, well the language here is pretty much the same with Sorcier's language, actually." Sophia revealed.

"Eh? But why are there weird symbols?" Nicol asked.

"The dictations are the same, but the letters are different so you need to familiarise with the basic alphabet- hiragana and katakana."

"So, do you have any book with the symbols?" Nicol asked.

"I do, actually." Sophia answered, bringing out a book titled 'Hiragana and Katakana for beginners'.

"...Enrilt is a language here?" Mary asked.

"Ah, yes I forgot to tell you that..." Sophia laughed sheepishly. "But we call it 'English' here."

"Are there any other languages we should know about?" Maria asked.

"Only Japanese and English." Sophia replied.

"Memorising the two alphabets shouldn't take too long then." Geordo nodded.

It took the whole day.

Once the group only made minor mistakes, it was already dark out.

"Oh no!" Mary gasped. "We took too long!"

"It's fine!" Sophia waved a hand. "We could do the adapting and enrolling tomorrow! I'll order our dinner!"

Sophia got takeouts from Pizza Hut based on the food preferences of her friends.

Despite the group's initial surprise and skepticism, they found the pizza delicious.

Sophia had also introduced them to soft drinks.

"It's fizzing!" Keith shrieked in terror.

Alan had also accidentally shaken the can, so upon opening it, the drink exploded in his face.

"HAHAHAH!" Mary held her stomach as she wheezed, seeing Alan's coke-covered face.

Alan was very not amused, and simply took to drinking iced tea. Keith did the same.

And then they played games.

"Maria! I won't be defeated!" Mary shrieked, steering her wheel controller violently, making her car crash.

"Hey Mary! Hush up for a minute!" Alan scolded. "Keith and I are battling!"

"You shouldn't take your eyes off the game, Prince Alan!" Keith declared, as he brought his weapon down on Alan's avatar.

"Hey wait!" Alan scrambled to try to fend Keith off, but to no avail, Alan was defeated.

"Curse you, Keith!" He dramatically pointed a finger at the Claes heir.

"So noisy." Geordo complained to Nicol.

Nicol smiled sheepishly. "Now, now, they're just excited."

'You haven't tried playing yet, Prince Geordo, Lord Nicol." Sophia chimed in as she walked out of the kitchen, a plate of Nachos in her hands.

Geordo huffed. "Oh, please, I doubt I'll be that rowdy even if I play."

That was what he said.

At the driving game, he had accidentally crashed his car. He tried to get out, but it only resulted to the car spinning.

"Nicol! Help me!" Geordo yelped, seeing the future prime minister's car zip past his.

"No can do." Nicol smiled serenely at Geordo.

At that moment, Geordo felt betrayed.

In his desperation, he began pressing all the buttons of the controller. Once he found the button, the fourth prince was quick to gain speed.

"HAHAHAH!" Geordo cackled. "This is what you get for leaving me!"

Nicol still won though.

After a few more hours of playing, Sophia deemed it necessary to head to bed.

Sophia took futons out of her cabinet.

Luckily, her bed was pretty big, enough to three people. She also had a lower bunk that could be pulled out from her bed, enough to fit one.

One could be in the sofa, and the last two would sleep in futons.

After a few minutes of decision-making and a few arguments for the sake of etiquette and being polite, the arrangements were final.

The three girls would sleep in Sophia's bed, Nicol in the bed below, Keith in the sofa, and the Stuarts in the futons.

After brushing their teeth (Sophia went to a convenience store to buy), the group settled down on their respective beds.

"Goodnight." Sophia told the group.

Only to be met with silence, as the nobles had already fallen asleep.

'Geez.' Sophia thought. 'I had to go host them and they just passed out upon hitting the sack. They sure became rowdy once I taught them how to use the gadgets here. Tomorrow we'll buy clothes and other necessities

Sophia had found herself falling asleep soon after.

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