unrequited love (pt 1)

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The last bell rang, ending your misery for the day. A few more weeks of this agony, then summer break and off to college. You quickly shoved your English book in your bag, zipped it up, and said thank you to your teacher. Then you navigated through the crowded hallway and out the backdoor of the school. Your eyes scanned for your best friend, and you found him coming out of an alley outside the school with a serious look on his face. There was a girl fixing her hair beside him. She looked ecstatic and sort of dazed.

You rolled your eyes as the girl walked passed you, completely ignoring your presence. You looked hurt but tried not to show it as Roman came closer to you.

"Did you have fun?" you pursed your lips into a thin line and crossed your arms.

"What're you so mad about? I was just having some fun," Roman traded his serious look for a confused one. He nudged you. "Come on, let's go home."

You looked at the ground kicked a pebble. "Actually, I'm going to my house today."

Roman leaned his head to the side to match your eye length. "How come? I thought you'd want to hang out."

"Too much homework," you lied. "Mrs. Deetz is going to butcher me if I don't do well on the science test tomorrow. I know she will." Thankfully, you have been a pretty good student, so you hoped Roman would buy your valid excuse without further questions.

"Nerd," Roman rolled his eyes this time. "Okay, can I drop you home at least?"

You knew Roman wouldn't take no for an answer, so you said, "Fine."

The car ride was pretty silent. Roman had his eyes on the road, and you just didn't want to talk to him at all. After a while, it seemed like he got annoyed.

"What is up with you today? You were fine this morning, but now it seems like someone stitched your mouth shut."

You looked at the window and mumbled, "Just thinking."

Roman stopped the car and reached out to turn your face towards him. "About what? You know you can tell me whatever's bothering you, right? If it was that piece of shit Tyler again, say the word and he's dead."

You shook your head. " No, no, it isn't Tyler. Come to think of it, he wasn't even at school today. I'm fine. Just need to be alone," you sighed. You couldn't tell him. You just couldn't. So Roman started up the car again and silently drove you home.

When you got home, you went straight to your room and dumped your bookbag on the ground. Then you slumped on your bed and wondered why seeing Roman and that girl bothered you so much. You knew he slept with possibly every girl in Hemlock Grove High, but there was just something.

"Ugh," you groaned and covered your head with a pillow. "Why am I acting like this?? He's always been this way. It shouldn't be bothering me." You tried convincing yourself, fighting that inner voice trying to break out of the corner of your brain you shoved it in. "No, no, no," you groaned. But it was too late. You could deny it a million times, but you knew it- you were in love with your best friend.

A few days after, you were in the car with Roman again, this time to go somewhere to hang out together. You said 'no' multiple times but he made you give in.

"You've been different," Roman said. "Just quieter and sort of lost in your thoughts. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, sorry," you said. "I'm fine."

"I'm not dumb," Roman groaned. "Tell me what's going on."

"Nothing, I promise," you said. "Just a lot of work. I'll be fine." Roman didn't look convinced but let go. You mentally wanted to stab yourself for letting your feelings out so much. You didn't want to even think about it anymore. 7.5 billion people on planet earth and you just had to fall for Roman Godfrey.

"Speaking of work and stuff, are you ready to graduate?" Roman asked.

"I guess so," you replied. "You're going straight to the top, aren't you. The Godfrey Institute will be yours."

"Technically, it is mine now. Just have to get that diploma, although not getting it wouldn't matter."

"Must be a blast being that privileged and rich," you rolled your eyes at him. "Another four years of schooling for me."

"Did you really have to go out of state?" Roman looked at you, sort of hurt. "My best friend is just going to ditch me and leave me with Peter."

"Maybe you could've handwritten a letter to Pennsylvania colleges asking them to give me more scholarships. Not everyone has money dripping out of their pockets like you," you sighed. It hit you then that you were moving out of state- away from Hemlock Grove, away from everything you've known, away from Roman. And that feeling wasn't going away. In fact, it seemed to get bigger.

"Ro, I need to tell you something," you swallowed. This will be the hardest thing you would do, but it was killing you inside.

"Yeah?" he positioned his whole body to face you. "What?"

You closed your eyes, facing ahead. "I love you."

Roman laughed. "You scared me there. Love you too," he said.

You cupped your face into your hands, still not opening your eyes. "No, like the other type. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I-I can't control it, Roman. I can't choose to stop it." There was silence, so you added, "Say something." But nothing came.

There were tears welling up in your eyes. The silence was enough to tell you that this was definitely one-sided. Part of your brain rested, knowing the truth was out. The other half was losing it. You were so dumb, and now, you ruined your friendship with your best friend.

Roman started the car and took you home immediately. He didn't say bye or anything else when he dropped you. You didn't bother to look at him. You wanted to stab yourself or have the ground swallow you whole. This was probably the worst mistake you've made in your life. And the absolute worst part- that feeling didn't leave. You were stuck with it.

The final few weeks of school trudged along. Roman stopped talking to you. You tried to focus on finishing high school strong, getting that diploma, and getting out. It worked. They seemed like the longest weeks of your life, but they passed. Then came summer break. You decided you would move out early. You were staying with your aunt for college anyway, so it seemed right. Leaving Hemlock Grove would help.

note: hi, lovelies. if you read one of my other Roman Godfrey books, welcome back. thanks for reading my work again. i appreciate you voting, sharing, and commenting. requests are open but im not going to do anything too explicit. hope you enjoy reading. stay safe and take care. 

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